Clippings, Comments, News
This is the first issue of the Gospel Guardian in which this page appears by this writer. We hope to have a page each week devoted to news about churches and preachers. This effort will depend for its success upon the cooperation of preachers in sending their bulletins and announcements of meetings, debates, etc., to the following address: Clyde O. Moore, 2706 Paul Ave., Lufkin, Texas.
Meetings This Week
Paragould, Arkansas.... Barney L. Keith, who regularly preaches at East Florence church of Christ, Florence, Alabama, will be preaching in a series of meetings at the 2nd and Walnut St. church in Paragould, Arkansas, January 31st through February 10th.
Preachers To New Locations
H. Osby Weaver's new address is Box 156, Kann Oahu, Hawaii. Brother Weaver spoke at the Wednesday evening services in San Bernardino, Calif., January 9th en route to Hawaii.
Jack Holt's new address is 8350 Forest Lane, Dallas 31, Texas. Brother Holt preached at the Judson Road church of Christ in Longview, Texas, prior to moving to Dallas.
Robert C. Welch's new address is 1932 S. Weller St., Springfield, Missouri. The Robert C. Welch family moved from Nacogdoches, Tex., to Springfield, Missouri, the middle of January. Brother Welch will preach at the Southside church in Springfield, Missouri. His good articles will continue to appear in the Gospel Guardian.
Joe Scarborough is now preaching for the Floral Heights church of Christ in Wichita Falls, Tex. Brother Scarborough moved to Wichita Falls from Houston, Texas, where he preached) for the Oak Forest church of Christ.
Thomas C. Hickey, Jr., has moved from Owensboro, Kentucky, to preach for one of the churches in Akron, Ohio. His new address is 877 East Archwood Ave., Akron, Ohio.
New Creature
During 1962 there were 17 baptisms at the Riverside church of Christ in Nashville, Tenn. Five have been baptized the first two Lord's days of 1963. At Par Ave. church in Orlando, Florida, one was baptized Dec. 23rd. The Preston Hi-Way church of Christ in Louisville, Kentucky, had two baptisms January 1st. The West End church in Bowling Green, Kentucky, baptized one the last Sunday of 1962. W. R. Jones, preacher for the Pruitt and Lobit church in Baytown, Texas, reports one baptism the first Sunday in 1963.
Those Who Have Fallen Asleep Brother Robert Jackson, who preaches for the Riverside Drive church in Nashville, Tenn., reports the death of brother J. C. Evans, a deacon in the Riverside church. In commenting on the work and service of brother Evans, brother Jackson writes: "He served with honor. You never had to doubt or question where J. C. stood. He stood for the truth. He was never ashamed to express his position. It can be truly said that he loved the truth."
Sister Gladys Broom, a member of the 10th and Francis congregation in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for over forty years, departed this life, January 8, 1933, after a short illness. She was loved and respected by all the members of the 10th and Francis congregation because of her work for and devotion to the Lord. Brother James Adams, in his bulletin, compared her work to that of Dorcas. She truly will be missed by the members of the Lord's church in Oklahoma City, but as brother Adams wrote, "We believe for her 'it is far better?' "And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them." (Rev. 14:13)
Anvil Sparks — R. L. Whiteside Truth is universal — that is the reason a person sometimes thinks the speaker is aiming everything he says at him.
There is no real intelligence where there is no real thinking.
Sometimes there isn't anything in a name, but there ought to be.
The more monkey business we have in our seats of learning, the less civilization we have.
People are already drunk on something when they imagine that liquor will bring prosperity.
Imagine how things would be, if everybody in this country would get drunk at the same time.
Optimism is ambition on a spree; pessimism is next morning's headache.
Narrow-minded? Well, a person's mind should be narrow enough to shut out everything but truth, and broad enough to accept all truth.
The pessimist has no motor; the optimist has no brakes.
Superstition is ignorant reverence; rationalism is irreverent reasoning.
Moreover, with some the principal involved has greater urge than the principle.
These "Anvil Sparks" are taken from Doctrinal Discourses, a book containing many articles and short sayings written by brother R. L. Whiteside. In my opinion, this is one of the finest books written by man. Some of the best articles you will ever read are found written in this book. It may be ordered from the Gospel Guardian. The price is $3.50.
Counseling With The Fox
James W. Adams It is said that there was once a fox who upon seeing the fish in a stream in great trouble, darting hither and thither, while the stream was being drawn with nets, proposed to the fish that they leap on dry, land to evade the nets. A modern version of this counsel is seen in the clich, "If you can't whip them, join them." It occurs to us that many brethren these days have been counseling with the fox. Failing in their efforts to make what they conceive to be significant progress in leading people out of religious practices for which there is not a "thus saith the Lord," brethren have abandoned their holy plea for a return to New Testament faith and practice and have joined the ranks of the innovators. Some have deceived themselves into believing that they can maintain their identity and spiritual vigor and, at the same time, greatly broaden their scope of influence in so doing. The fish who counseled with the fox evaded the nets only to perish on dry land which was not his element. Brethren who counsel with the fox will find that, while they may avoid the nets of unpopularity, ostracism, and opposition by joining the innovators, they will lose their identity as New Testament Christians. The only element in which a New Testament Christian can survive is that of absolute fidelity to Divine Truth.
Some Of The Work South Of The Border
A few years have passed since I have made any kind of report to any paper. At this time, I want to say something concerning the work that is being done in Mexico. Tecate, Mexico, is the only congregation that I have visited, but have been in contact with bro. Charles House. He spent one night in my home last week. Charles is doing a great work in that nation. He likes the work there, and is just suited for the job that he is doing.
I read one of his reports, and in this report he stated that he had gone there to convert the Mexicans, but that "they had converted him." I can understand this statement thoroughly, for I have been to Tecate several times, and have preached there one time, in Spanish. They have asked me to return and preach anytime. But I am busy with the congregation in Ocean Beach, here in San Diego. Brother Gomez, the preacher in Tecate, and three of the brethren who are preparing to preach the gospel, are studying the Bible each morning from six until eight, and then each evening they meet in someone's home, and invite the neighbors to come and study the Bible. They are doing a great work.
The church at Ocean Beach is furnishing the money for the completion of their brick building in Tecate, and they will soon be meeting in it. Two brethren from flagstaff, Arizona, and one brother from Yuma were over a few weeks ago, and we drove to Tecate and heard a young brother preach, one who is in the early morning study, and he did a good job. He has been out of the Catholic church about six months. He has not attended either of "our Christian Colleges," and yet, he is able to preach. — Jim W. Middleton, Sr.
1915 Adams Ave, San Diego 16, Calif.