"It Is In Harmony With The Scriptures"
In my younger years as a preacher of the gospel, I had quite a number of debates. Never mind about how strong or how weak my opponents were. But, neither I nor they lacked the courage to affirm that, "The scriptures teach" whatsoever either of us was affirming in the debate. I do not recall that I ever had to "affirm a negative" in order to get a debate. The "digressives" had already definitely learned that debates did not help their cause, and in fact, they were always reluctant to engage in debate anyway. So, it was never my privilege to engage one of them in debate. J. B. Briney did affirm his practice in at least one debate after I began preaching — that is, in the Briney-Otey debate.
The Instrumental Music in the worship, and the Missionary Societies through which to preach the gospel, were introduced rather as "expedients," and the advocates of such seemed to think they needed no "authority" for employing them. Naturally, they did not want to affirm that the scriptures authorize them; they wanted the opponents of such practice to affirm that they are not authorized!!
Both the "benevolence societies" and "sponsoring church" have been introduced after the same fashion and on the same basis in this century. And the advocates of these latter don't seem to realize they are under any moral obligation, or logical obligation, to affirm that the scriptures authorize such societies. A few debates have been held but thus far the advocates of these "heresies" hay" been persuaded to affirm only that such practices are "in harmony with the scriptures." They have not found it in their hearts yet, to affirm that "The Scriptures authorize The Herald of Truth set up." Why? The Herald of Truth set-up has been introduced, and fostered upon the churches. They continue to address mail to all churches whose addresses can be had, soliciting money to keep the thing going. But call upon those fellows for scripture authority for their practice and they seem to be surprised that one can be so foolish as to want scripture authority for their innovations. They will treat one such in a condescending sort of manner, and finally, they will "hope you will some day get around to seeing things our way."
To affirm that "It is in harmony with the Scriptures" is merely to seek a way to dodge the issue. It is a manner of implying that we don't need scripture authority for what we do.
I suspect that some gospel preacher might be found who would affirm "Freemasonry is in harmony With the Scriptures." And it is certain that multitudes of brethren would agree with him. And such a preacher could make just as good showing in that affirmation as those preachers make who affirm "that the Herald of Truth is in harmony with the Scriptures."
Note the following quotation from a prominent Mason:
"This Idea — The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man — was adopted by Masonry as its basic dogma and was emblazoned on its banners many centuries ago as its shibboleth. The practice of brotherhood was never more forcefully illustrated than by Jesus in his unforgettable story of the Good Samaritan who quickly and generously came to the assistance and relief of the 'certain man' traveling along the road to Jericho who fell among thieves, was robbed, brutally beaten by them and left there to die. A priest came by, and then a Levite. Each looked on the poor fellow lying on the roadside in pain, but that was all and each went his way without doing a thing for him. Then the Samaritan, a sort of social outcast, passed along that way, saw the sorrowful plight of the injured and suffering man and had compassion on him, lifted him up and bound up his wounds, helped him to the nearest inn and took care of him, paying the host in advance for his service. That, my brethren, was Masonry in action. It was also a beautiful example of the practical operation of the new gospel the Master was seeking to inculcate."
I have no doubt the above quotation expresses the sentiment of most Masons. And certainly, the sentiment is "in harmony with the scripture." But, does it prove that the Scriptures authorize Freemasonry?? It is my understanding that Freemasonry claims to be older than the New Testament scriptures. I am not saying anything against Masonry. I have said more than once, that if I were not a Christian, and did not intend to be a Christian, I would at least try to become a Mason. The church of the Lord is all that I need in which to live and labor and from which to go home to glory. The church, the local church, is God's only organization in which Christians are to live and labor. The church is God's own divine missionary society. It is God's only divine benevolence society. It is the blood-bought institution. It cost Jesus his life's blood. Why will people push their opinions to the division of the divine institution? Are men wiser than God? Well, there will come a reckoning some day.
— Route 4, Lumberton, Miss.