The Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest court of our land and, so far as man can go, possibly the highest Court in the world. But man can go only so far; the government of man on earth. There is a court, the Supreme Court of heaven, through which every man on earth has received the perfect law of liberty and by which every man on earth will be judged. (Jas. 1:23; 2 Cor. 5:19) I have a very high regard for our system of government and regard it as of utmost worth. I, along with millions of other true Americans, have offered my life for My country. I believe in our way of life and realize it has been purchased with great price. I also realize that the Supreme Court is the last appeal, the final authority in determining our laws, the system by which every American lives. I also recognize my right to appeal to our Supreme Court.
When lesser courts begin to determine the law, contrary to the decisions of the Supreme Court, every citizen has the right to appeal to the Supreme Court; and the Supreme Court, according to the laws governing their actions, must hear the case. Each case shall receive proper instruction, correction, etc and no lesser court has any right to reverse the decision. That the law, the all in all of our system.
All of the above is used as an example to set forth a far more important case. Many of us, over the years, have listened to the fallacious reasoning, of certain brain-washed members who assert that a lesser court has all power; namely, "If the elders said it, I must do it." If any man has a higher regard for godly elders than I do, it will be only because he has advanced farther into the system of law by which we live; thereby realizing more the import of authority. No one of that ability will ever be guilty of placing all authority in the board of elders or the eldership. Follow them, considering their conversation, obey them, submit to them, esteem them very highly for their works' sake, render honor (double honor in certain cases), and help them in every way possible, knowing the great responsibility laid upon them. (Heb. 13:7, 17; 1 Thess. 5:13; 1 Tim. 5:17)
Yet, never help to condemn them by bowing down to than as the Supreme Court. This they are not, were never intended to be and never allowed.
True elders are good men. If they are elders they have to be good, above reproach, etc. (1 Tim. 3; Titus 1) If men have met these qualifications, there is no doubt about their worth. With men of this caliber, the members are to "receive the word — and search the scriptures daily" to make sure they are receiving properly. Only a diligent person, a noble person, is a proper servant. Even good men are prone to error, but good men are eager to make right any mistake. Any who are otherwise can no longer be endowed with that high and holy office of elder. They will not properly interpret the law. Their conversation will no longer be one to follow. (Heb. 13:7) The members from this point will have to make their appeal to the Supreme Court, and the lesser court may not reverse the decision.
If elders and members had remembered the decision of the Supreme Court, there would not be so many panic appeals. The general rule is, when an eldership starts downhill, that people make no appeal until it's too late to appeal. The church is lost, gone into perdition, because of drifters who were once (?) elders.
One other thought I'd like to share with my readers:
"Once an elder, always an elder." This is not foreign to the belief of many. Especially is it true of men in the eldership who are not qualified. It is as foreign to truth as "Once saved, always saved."
There is as much authority for a Pope as there is for either of these propositions.
Look back to our first example, the law of the land, and know that any lesser court who changes the-law decided by the Supreme Court, is simply removed from the post. It is not allowed. Our law would be without teeth any other way. And a law without teeth, no bite, is not better than being without law. Anyone transgressing the law that made them officers will, by the same law, be put out of office.
It is not difficult with God's law to his people. The Supreme Court ruled on the law that allowed men to qualify and be set in as elders. Desirous men may, after coming up to every qualification, be installed as elders in the body of Christ. They may not serve lacking even on qualification and, must stop serving if they neglect their duty or disqualify in any way.
Learn what the Supreme Court has ruled on as law — keep it ever before you and the need for panic appeal will disappear.
— 4661 Cooper Road, Cincinnati 42, Ohio