News Items
W. W. Cassio
A soldier in Israel is fallen. Roy Linwood Jordan, born October 20, 1902, departed this life Sunday afternoon, October 21, 1962. In the. Southern California area the name, Roy Jordan, is synonymous with "singing." In the days of the "Sunday afternoon singings" Roy's voice was invariably heard Roy, himself, was one of the outstanding song leaders for the past two decades among God's people. Every child of God has a place in the body of Christ to fill. Roy quickly found his place and adequately filled it. Appropriately, Roy passed into the hands of a merciful Father with a song book in his hands in the home of close friends while he was hymning songs of praise and glory to his God.
Although I was acquainted with Roy for only a short period of time, I found in him a life dedicated to the service of God. This is not to say that Roy was sinless, for none of us shall pass through the portals of death untouched by the corrupting hand of Satan. His life was marked with sincerity of purpose, simplicity of life, and fidelity to God. Often, he expressed to me a desire to do more for the cause of Christ. His influence was felt in his willingness to work, and in urging others to remain faithful to God. Zeal and dependability were not wanting in the life of this man. When others would not serve, Roy would. He lived and died a servant of Christ.
— Long Beach, Calif.
Leaving The Caprock Church A. Hugh Clark
The announcement has been made openly for quite some time that the present preacher would soon be leaving the Caprock church. Indeed, the elders have known it since early last spring at the beginning of his fourth year of service with the church.
It might be said for the sake of everybody, especially those away from Lubbock, that the change is entirely the preacher's own doing. There is no trouble or special problem in the Caprock church of any sort to make the change necessary or desirable either on the part of the preacher or the congregation. The preacher and his wife regret beyond expression to sever personal connection with the Caprock church. It is indeed, a good church, and the time spent preaching the gospel and living here, will be remembered to the end of life as one of the most pleasant and profitable seasons in a long and happy life as a gospel preacher.
The Purpose Of The Move
Since it is reasonably well known that the preacher, in this case, is not known any longer as "a young man" — not that he is an old man mind you, but that he is just not any longer a young man — it might well be stated here that this is not in any sense, a move into retirement! The job being undertaken by him at this time will impose even greater demands in unceasing solicitude and laborious exactions than any yet undertaken.
Circumstances are such among churches of Christ at the present, that there are large areas and prosperous towns and cities even in our own state, not to mention the nation, where there is imperious need of the establishment of new congregations. Some of these towns and cities have only one congregation and the outlying districts and new additions to the city are untouched and untaught. And then, of course, there are so very many among existing congregations who do not know the truth concerning the problems confronting the church today. These considerations make it imperious that new churches be established all over the land, in which the simple truth of God in its entirety is taught with assiduity.
Such A Place Is Killeen, Texas
Such a place is the city of Killeen in central Texas. It is a thriving town of some thirty-five thousand population, not to mention Fort Hood and Gray Air Force Base, which are located there. There is only one congregation in the city and it is on the west side of town.
Out on the east side of town is the Forest Hills Addition, a new section lying to the east and south, among rolling hills and live oak trees. This, the most beautiful section of the city, is fast being built up with substantial homes of permanent construction, in which will live the very sort of people who have always been the most susceptible to gospel teaching. It is our purpose to see that they have the opportunity of hearing the gospel in its purity and entirety.
A New Congregation
A new congregation, the FOREST HILLS CHURCH OF CHRIST, will therefore be established in the city of Killeen, Texas, in the very near future, God willing. It will be situated on its own grounds easy to find, and easy of access.
When the elders of the Caprock church in Lubbock were informed of the intention and purpose of the preacher to give himself to the work of establishing this new congregation at Killeen, acting with characteristic promptness and liberality, they expressed the desire to buy the grounds on which the church will be located. Their generosity was at once accepted, and the deed and abstract to this well situated location is now in our possession.
The meeting house will be neither large nor imposing. But it will be of permanent construction and sufficiently large to meet the needs of the church for the time. It will also be situated so that later it can be built into the permanent church building and used as class rooms, when the congregation is large enough to care for itself.
New Man Here
The elders of the Caprock church regret they are not able to announce the name of the man who will be the new preacher for the church here, at this time. However, definite announcement will be made soon.
All my personal correspondents will please take notice that my address will be Route 1, Killeen, Texas, as of now.
The Work Of The Lord Among The Spanish In The Valley Judson Woodbridge, 320 Hackberry, McAllen, Texas
I have been in McAllen for about ten weeks. Although my work is with Laurel Heights church, an anglo congregation, I have opportunity to observe some of the work that brother Glenn Rogers is doing with the Latin Americans.
Brother Roger's work consists of preaching, writing, publishing papers, tracts, song books, assisting the needy, driving a bus which he owns himself that those without transportation can attend services, assisting Spanish preachers and helping in making provisions for meeting places. As one example, he with some other Spanish preachers trimmed palm trees and with their earnings bought material for a meeting house, the cost of which was about $100.00.
The standard of living of these people in Mexico is much different from ours. The meeting places I have visited are rooms of about 10 x 20 feet with boxes and benches for pews. But the people who come seem sincere and anxious for the truth. Their interest is manifested in their willingness to walk to the services. Not long ago I went with brother Rogers to an evening meeting and the vehicles consisted of brother Roger's and a wagon pulled by a mule; yet the small room was full of people. They have not been spoiled to elaborate meeting houses.
I have said all of this that you might get some idea of what a man must do who works with these people. He must be able to speak their language and adjust himself to their conditions; and brother Rogers does all of this well. The people love him. I am sure you can see the expense involved in this work. Providing supplies, printing, transportation and going these many places is not done without money. The Spanish people have little of that, so the man who gives his time to this provides much of the necessities.
Bro. Rogers needs more support. Some churches who have been supporting him have rearranged their programs of work for 1963 and have decided that they are unable to support him as they have in the past. This is no reflection of brother Rogers or his work. No doubt, these congregations are looking closer at home. This means that other churches should include him and this in their work programs. The work being done among these people of Mexico is resulting in the saving of souls, and it would be tragic indeed if he would be forced to go elsewhere. Let us keep the man in the field who knows and understands what he is doing. Write to him and ask him about his needs. Then let him know the amount you can give so that his work can continue to grow and develop. He needs at least $550.00 to live on and do his work. I am sure that there are congregations and individuals, when they see this need will arise and supply it.
Brother Roger's address: Glenn Rogers, Post Office Box 3453, McAllen, Texas.