Christ Along The Us. — Mexico Border Report Of The Work Of The Churches Of
Charles F. House, P. O. Box 641, San Luis, Arizona. U. S. A June 22, 1962. There are so many wonderful things to report this month that I hardly know where to begin; thus is would seem that a logical place would be at the beginning.
San Luis R. C. Sonora, Mexico:
Brother Phil Morgan. who preaches regularly for the Spanish speaking congregation at Phoenix, Arizona, is being supported in evangelistic endeavor this summer by the Westside congregation there and by the 2nd & West "A" congregation in Glendale. Brother Wilson Coon is the preacher at Westside, and Brother Ken Mans is the preacher at 2nd & "A."
Brother Morgan was with us in a short meeting here at San Luis R. C., beginning June 12 and going through the 14th. I led the singing and taught my regular week day classes here. One night, a service was held in the home of a non-member, a Senor Juarez, who with his wife and two children, live quite a distance from the regular meeting place of the church in San Luis. Since a sandstorm was blowing quite severely and the sand was so deep in front of his house, we had to park my car quite a distance away. When I'm not here to provide transportation Bro. Villegas walks all over town. (If any of you within a several hundred mile radius ever come across a transportation car or pick-up (preferably) in good working order, and reasonable enough for a Mexican preacher to pay for, please contact us.) Distances are great when it involves walking, and takes that much needed time that could be spent in teaching.
It was quite an experience, for me anyway, as Bro. Morgan, Bro. Villegas and I were taking the Gospel story through 100 degree heat at 8:30 p.m., through this blowing sandstorm. (We are located in the great Yuma desert area.) As the grains of sand bit into our faces, it felt like thousands of tiny needles pricking us in the face. It was necessary for me to tie my handkerchief over my nose and mouth in order to breath, yet the spiritual experience we all enjoyed as we looked deep into the eyes of the Juarez family (by lantern light), as they sat on the floor, and literally "drank in" the good news of Christ, was worth any effort or any inconvenience that any of us might have experienced. All three preachers present participated in this wonderful teaching event at this place.
Tecate, B. Cfa., Mexico:
Bro. Morgan began another meeting on the 15th, This time at Tecate, the following night. He and I have been travelling together as my wife keeps house. This meeting continued thru the 15, 16, 17. One young man, 23 years old, was baptized. The only facilities available were bath tubs (another reason why Tecate needs a building, so we can have a baptistry). The water situation, especially in the summer, is very acute in Tecate, as well as most other places in Mexico. The Gomez family and the family of the young man to be baptized, combined their supply of stored water, in order to fill one bathtub to the point that he could be completely submerged, since he was a small man. They carried the water in buckets, from one house to the other. He was a former Catholic, and wants to prepare himself to preach. He is willing to just let the local church teach him to preach without the aid of any human institution separate and apart from God's Divine plan.
Ocean Beach, California, U. S. A. (Suburb Of San Diego)
I had the privilege of speaking here in English, Sunday night (17th), in the interest of the Mexican work. The decision was made by the church at Ocean Beach to send $50 to $100 per week to the Tecate church to buy materials for the construction of their meeting house. The foundation, as mentioned in last month's report, has already been started from funds provided by others. Bro. Jim Middleton, Sr., is the preacher here. This congregation has between 12 and 20 members. But they love the Lord and the Mexican people, and are putting him and his work first in their individual lives. (Matt. 6:33)
Sonoyta, Sonora, Mexico:
Bro. Morgan began a meeting here last night (19th), and I led singing, which is going on as this is being written. Bro. Gomez, the new baptized brother, both of Tecate as well as Bro. Villegas from San Luis were with us in the services last night. It was decided that Gomez preach last night (19th) and that Morgan would begin the 20th. We had a good crowd of non-member visitors last night. We hope and pray that baptisms will result. Results will be reported in next month's report. Present plans this month also include a short meeting in Caboroa (86 miles in the interior, south of Sonoyta) where Bro. Jose Olivas works. This man could use a small amount of support, that would allow him to spend more time away from his candy business, and devote to the Lord's. For further details, contact me at Box 641, San Luis 1, Arizona, CEA, and It write you by return mail all information, and you can send him your gifts, if interested, direct to him right on the field. (Phil. 4)
When we got to Sonoyta this trip, we found that liberal brethren had been down again trying to buy Fidel's allegiance with the promise of "everything you need." But he remained true to his teaching and convictions. Fidel is still seeking support from sound congregations. There are plenty of the other kind available, but none of us want our names associated with liberalism, or anything it stands for. This work along the U. S.- Mexico border is being built on the right kind of foundation, and if we all have to go to work at secular work in order to build properly, we are all ready to do it. Continue to pray for us that all of our needs will be met and that we can all continue preaching the Gospel without being hindered by the devil's many devices. To those of you who have stood by all of us with your prayers, your love, concern, and influence, as well as your money, during these trying days, let us all say thank you again and again. God indeed has been glorified. Should you have any questions regarding any phase of this work whatsoever, please write or come to see us. God bless you all. Send the Guardian to several friends. It is a wonderful paper and will print the whole truth on any subject.
Donald M. Jones — San Bruno, Calif.
Effective as of June 25th, my labors shall be devoted to the local work here in San Bruno. My former residence was Vacaville, Calif. I began work with the brethren there in August of 1960. The congregation then had just begun meeting in a rented hall, having withdrawn themselves from the Williams Street church in that city Our work together for almost two years was very enjoyable and proved to be profitable in many ways. I left there with the blessings of all and I am persuaded that much good is yet to be accomplished in the future.
Brother George Randy Dickson, formerly of San Bruno, has moved to Vacaville to be engaged in full time work there. I pray that he and the brethren will have a profitable work together in every way and I bid them God speed in their every effort put forth for good.
For correspondence my new address is:
Donald M. Jones 2485 Rollingwood Drive. San Bruno, California
Leon Goff, 1510 Aspen, Selma, California. Brother Roy Cogdill is scheduled to be in a meeting with the church in Selma from August 26 through September 2. If you live within driving distance, or if you plan to be traveling through this part of the country about that time, we would be happy to have you come to the services. Selma is located in the center of the beautiful San Joaquin valley, 15 miles south of Fresno on Highway 99. The church building is located at Second and Wilson Streets, five blocks west of the traffic light. Come and visit us anytime.
The church of Christ meeting at 1111-19th St., Bessemar, Alabama, is now financially able to support a full time gospel preacher. We are seeking a man who will preach the whole counsel of God. If you have knowledge of one desiring to preach for a conservative congregation, please contact Cecil E. Tate, Route 1, Box 22, Adger, Ala.