An Appeal From Dallas, Oregon
I. Summary Of Some Of The Efforts And Results In 1961:
1. James Rury began part time work with congregation in February, 1961; full time in September, 1961.
2. Increased preacher's salary from $10 a week (plus house and utilities) to $20 per week and then to the present $45 a week.
3. Had an enthusiastic meeting with W. R. Jones in which the church was greatly encouraged and 13 outsiders heard the gospel.
4. Radio work-(our program is the oldest on the local station, having been on for over 5 years).-several sermons sent out on request-listeners reported in 16 of the near-by towns-Just last Sunday, May 20, 1962, the radio station increased its power from 1000 to 5000 Watts. This will give us an increased listening area. (8 counties now)-the cost of the 15 minute program (9:15 Sunday A.M.) is $6.
5. Had a 5 night teacher training course by Luther and Anna Roberts.
6 One was baptized, 10 were restored, and 3 families left to place membership elsewhere because of the institutional issues. This served as a house cleaning here and it is unlikely that there will be trouble here again over that issue. The loss of members hurt us financially, but I feel sure that It will ultimately be to the benefit of the work here. Most of the members now are firm in the opposition to the liberal movements of the day in the church. Present membership-about 35.
7. Had about 75 registered visitors at our services.
8. Started two home classes.
9. Our work was aided by support from congregations in: Salem, Oregon; Hillsboro, Oregon; Dyersburg, Tennessee.
II. Summary Of Some Of The Plans For 1962:
1. Visitation program-attempt to get members to visit at least one night a week.
2. Start more home classes.
3. Mimeograph teaching for members and for outsiders. Develop mailing lists for this
4. Push Bible correspondence course.
5. Organize Bible classes better.
6. Distribute more tracts. Make tract racks for public places.
7. Encourage more activity for young people. The parents handling the matter.
8. Have two meetings, one lectureship.
9. Meet budget of $125 per Sunday.
10. Teach the unfaithful or disfellowship them.
11. Try to depend less on other congregations for speakers.
III. Progress Thus Far In 1962:
1. Had an excellent lectureship with the theme - "Building Up the Local Congregation"-through: Proper Worship, Study, Elders, Brotherly Love, Personal Evangelism, Bible Classes, Scriptural Co-operation, Teaching Our Young People, The life of a Christian, and Church Discipline. The sermons were consistently good, and the crowds were record breaking (had 128 one night.)
2. Seemingly as a result of the enthusiasm of these sermons, many of the members began to borrow my books to read, some bought their own, some asked me to teach them how to teach, and some wanted to learn to make talks.
3. With an aim to improve our Bible classes we have increased the work in the classes. For example in the adult class on Sunday A.M. I give the class definite written assignments to be handed in, examined and returned to be kept in a note book. The assignments are made in connection with the text (Matt.) which we are studying. Examples of some of the assignments:
A. Outline the life of Christ.
B. Write a paper on water baptism, one on Holy Spirit baptism, one on baptism of fire.
C. Memorize the beatitudes of Matt. 5.
Most of those in the class seem thrilled to do the assignments and several have indicated that they are learning more than they ever have in a class.
4. I now have home classes going with members on Tuesday afternoon, Tuesday night, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday night. These classes have served to strengthen these members. About 15 or more people are taught in these each week. Some have evidenced the fact that they are much stronger; one is teaching a class on Wednesday night now.
5. A few weeks ago we began a men's training class on Monday night and several have made good talks thus far. The men decided that when we don't have a preacher here, one of them will talk instead of getting a man to come from Salem as has been the custom. This indicated growth on their part to me.
6. We had another good meeting with W. R. Jones and one is planned with Bill Fling in the Fall.
7. Several in the congregation (as well as some others) are taking the Bible correspondence course and seem to be learning a lot of Bible from it.
8. It was decided that the man in charge of services each week has the responsibility of visiting those who are absent. We hope to cut down on unfaithfulness in this way.
9. Two have been baptized, one restored.
IV. Our Financial Situation:
1. The members built a building in 1957 (auditorium seats 130; 5 class rooms and a nursery, good location) and a 3 bedroom home in 1959. The property and buildings are worth around $25,000 and they will have about half this in them when paid for.
They owe about $8,500 on them yet. The lot has room for future expansion.
2. The economy of the community is as stable as any around (more than some). We are not likely to lose many by moving.
3. In 1961 the contribution increased from an average of $79 in 1960 to a little over $100 with several highs of $125, $134. When the period of trouble arose, three families left and the contribution was thus affected around $25 or more per Sunday.
4. Our budget is $125 per Sunday, — missing this $45. Average contribution thus far in 1962 — $80. Actual weekly expense — $107 — missing this $27. Congregation has 16 people who "prosper" by having a regular wage (5 or 6 of these are not very faithful, we are trying to teach them). Some give $5, some $10, some $15 per Sunday and others don't or can't give as much. I would say that there are some above average givers in the congregation.
5. Thus missing our actual weekly expense each week, and since our support from Baytown ($50 a month) and from Salem ($35 a week) will quit in June (because of previous agreement or inability on their part) it will be impossible to continue with a full time preacher unless more can be given, more support can be raised, or more families taught.
6. Thus our need is for someone to assume the $50 a month Baytown will drop and/or the $35 a week Salem will drop. Were I to supplement my salary with part time work, such would interfere with my heavy schedule of home classes, radio work, visiting and meetings. Though I would not hesitate to work if necessary, I am jealous for my valuable time spent in teaching.
It is my opinion that the congregation has grown spiritually and will continue to progress. As to when financial independence can be reached, I cannot predict. I hope that this summary of some of the work here will help you to have some what of an understanding of our present status.
For references concerning the work, you may contact any of the congregations helping in our support. For references concerning myself, you are welcome to check with such men as Luther Roberts (Salem, Oregon); Homer Hailey (Florida Christian College, Tampa, Fla.); or W. R. Jones (Pruett & Lobit, Baytown, Texas.) Your consideration and help of our work will be appreciated. I feel that there is as good an opportunity here as most anywhere in the Northwest.
Respectfully yours in His service, James W. Rury
1216 Birch St.
Dallas, Oregon Ph. 623-3889 P. S. — Concerning personal information — I am 28, have a wife and one child, have been preaching for 10 years, was trained at F. C. C. (34 years); A. C. C. (1 year); Linfield; University of Oregon and New Mexico A & M. I hold an A. A.; a B. A.; and a public school teachers certificate. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have about me, my work, or my beliefs.
— J. W. R.