Church Of Christ — Waco, Texas
We, the members of the church of Christ in Waco are endeavoring to obtain the services of a full-time preacher of the gospel. We are making this appeal to the loyal congregations, or to individuals, who are able and willing to help in this great undertaking.
This is a mission field as there are, at the present, only five members, two men and three women, meeting in a vacant residence at 3216 Wenz just off MacArthur Drive. Until we grow numerically we cannot do much towards supporting a preacher as there are other expenses which we have to meet.
A sister in the Floral Heights church in Wichita Falls, Texas, has, for several weeks, been sending us ten dollars a week; she has pledged fifty dollars a month to the church here. This can be used in supporting a preacher. We understand this sister makes her living in caring for elderly ladies in her home. She is to be commended for her faith and her generosity in the Lord's work in this city. We are very grateful to her for this help, and may the Lord bless her always.
Until recently we were members of the Herring Avenue congregation in Waco, some of us were charter members, one of our members was an elder from the beginning of that congregation; four of our number were teachers in the Bible School. For some time we have believed and taught that the church is all-sufficient to do all that God has commanded it to do — that we cannot strip it of its God-given functions and bestow them upon another body of human make. For teaching this we were accused by the so-called "elders" of being "false teachers" and that unless we taught "their way" changes would be made. We refused to teach anything which is not authorized by the Word of God. This conversation took place one Saturday evening. The next day just after the observance of the Lord's Supper the pseudo preacher turned the "blitzkrieg" of the Philistines upon us. We were held up before the congregation as false teachers to be marked and avoided, and if we refused to repent and accept "their way" we must be purged out of the congregation. Throughout this spiteful discourse we were ridiculed and falsely accused in every conceivable manner. Then the "Modernistic" said, "they are so few in number they won't ever amount to anything." Could he have failed to count ONE who so easily put us in the majority?
We believe that this is the opportune time to work for a sound congregation of the Lord's people in Waco; there is no loyal church in this section of the state. Our aim is to keep pressing on, believing that someone will come to work with us in this city where there is so little faith. We realize that in the face of bitter opposition from those who call themselves "Christians" that it will be hard and that it will take time and effort; but we believe that with the help of God and loyal brethren it will be done. Anything which you may do to help us in this great work will be forever appreciated. Pray for us that we may always stand in the faith and that we may teach the truth in all boldness. Any who are interested may write to: J. T. Mullins, Route 5, Box 140 or to: W. L. Oldfield, 3601 North 21st Street, Waco, Texas.