Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
June 23, 1960

The Overflow

F. Y. T.

Bible Chair For ACC?

From several points we have heard reports of brethren who are interested in trying to start a "Bible Chair" at Abilene Christian College. The idea has been given much impetus recently by the appearance of some of the ACC faculty on the "Herald of Truth" television shows. Brethren seem to feel that any brother in Christ who comes forward as a "response" (either for baptism, restoration, or simply "to be prayed for") on one of these productions is in need of some solid Bible teaching.

Their Preference

From a classified ad in the Firm Foundation we learn that the elders of the Oakland, Oklahoma, congregation are in need of a preacher to work with them. The ad states that they, "Prefer a sound man in the local missionary work." Of course, if you are unsound, you can go ahead and make application; maybe you will get the job. Soundness is not a prerequisite, only a preference!


What has happened to the honesty and sense of moral integrity of gospel preachers? Dr. Wade Ruby (professor in Pepperdine College) some months ago won thousands of dollars gambling on a TV quiz show. Instead of being fired from the faculty, he was retained and honored. And now comes word of a "payola" type deal in which Brother E. R. Harper is supposed to receive a pay-off from the Herald of Truth people for every "plug" he gives their program in his gospel meetings! What next?

Baptisms And Restorations

We have definite confirmation now that the "responses" on the Herald of Truth TV shows are by people who have already been baptized, or by those who do not consider themselves as being "restored" to the Lord. It is all for the show. to make an impression on the TV viewers. Somehow, we think it rather appropriate — phony organization and phony preaching will "'get phony responses. What else could you expect? Will falsehood in preaching and presentation produce truth in acceptance and obedience? Hardly!

Purely Personal

This paragraph calls for something special, so I'll just drop that ponderous editorial "we" and inform all and sundry that as of May 24, 1960, I am a grand-pop. Jefferson David Tant, junior, on that day was born at Sparks Hospital in Fort Smith, Arkansas, exactly 25 years and three months after his father had made his appearance in the same hospital. The matter of a name for the newcomer

was an item of some discussion. Vetoed right quickly was my proposal that the youngster be burdened with the names of his two grandfathers — Shady Bradford Hartsell and Fanning Yater Tant. Somehow those most directly concerned didn't cotton to the name "Shady Yater"! So he'll wear his father's name, and be called "Jeff" after his great-grandfather, J. D. Tant.

They Love The Catholics

"The Gospel Advocate Company' states that they will gladly give space to a Catholic who desires to answer their teaching through the Voice of Freedom, but they will NOT offer space to a brother in Christ who may desire to reply to their teaching on current issues within the church. Why the difference in attitude and treatment? Need we tell you?" — Eugene Britnell in The Sower.

Sometime "Sometime when you're feeling important, When your ego has reached its full bloom, When you modestly take it for granted, You're the very best in the room; When you convince yourself that your going, Would leave an unfillable hole, Just follow this simple instruction,

And see how it humbles your soul: Take a bucket and fill it with water,

Put your hand in it up to the wrist; Pull it out, and the hole that's remaining, Is the measure of how you'll be missed. You may splash all you please when you enter, You may stir up the water galore, But when you stop you will see in a minute, That it looks quite the same as before. The moral in this quaint example,

Is: Do just the best that you can, Be proud of yourself, but remember:

There is no indispensable man." — Author unknown Figures Don't Lie

But sometimes the people who supply those figures "tailor" them to fit their audience. A case in point: A few months ago the editor of the Christian Chronicle had an editorial in his paper, seeking to deflate and "cut down to size" the fantastic claims that some of the brethren were making as to the "phenomenal growth" of the Church of Christ. He opined that long and careful study of the matter had convinced him the usual figures were fantastically exaggerated. He said he would be greatly surprised if the number of congregations exceeded 8,000 to 10,000 (instead of the 16,000 being currently claimed) and the number of individual members exceeded 1,000,000 (instead of the 2,000,000 being claimed by some). But now a few months later comes a glowing report by George W. Cornell, religious writer of the Associated Press, telling of the phenomenal growth of the churches of Christ all over the world, and describing how their membership has doubled in ten short years (from 814,200 to 1,760,000). And guess who he cites as his authority for his information? Right! James W. Nichols, whom Cornell describes as "editor of the movement's Christian Chronicle".

Consolation To The Chubbies

Dr. Richard Parnell, an Oxford University researcher, has recently completed an exhaustive study of the vital statistics of marriage. He concludes that the fairly chubby, shortish girl has a three to two edge over her tall skinny sister in the marriage sweepstakes. The fat girl has a 90 percent change of snaring a man; her cadaverous rival has only a 60 percent chance. Throw away those reducing pills, girls!