In the August 25th issue of the Gospel Advocate brother Thomas Warren entered the diagnostic field in suggesting that certain brethren are afflicted with a serious condition known as "Hypochondria." We agree with brother Warren's definition of the term and also with his statement that if there is no evidence of disease, then no need for concern. This, however, is about the extent of our agreement. When one sees on every hand the church of our Lord entering the field of entertainment, education, preaching a social gospel, shifting the work of the Church to human institutions, setting up brotherhood elderships, conducting prayer services for the dead, and many other such symptoms, we are led to believe brother Warren had a diag-notion rather than a diagnosis.
We would like to try our hand at the art of diagnosing ills, admitting at the start that we have no medical training but rather just normal (we hope) faculties of observation. We shall give reasons for our diagnosis knowing that we shall be called a hypochondriac by some. The condition which is evident among our liberal brethren is "photophobia." Photophobia is defined as, "Morbid dislike of light." This is the opposite of photophilous which is defined as light loving. There was a time when gospel preachers loved to expose their teaching to an examination in the light of God's Word. There was no fear. It seemed that preachers knew that truth shines brighter and brighter after every encounter with error.
It is unfortunate that this condition does not still exist. It has given way to the condition defined above and known as photophobia. Liberal brethren seem to have this morbid fear of an examination of their teaching in the light of the Bible. Many and varied are the excuses made in retreat when propositions are presented to those who have espoused the liberal, social gospel course. About the only liberal left who indicates a willingness to debate is brother W. L. Totty. The refusal to debate with him comes not from the fact he is invincible but rather that he has a tongue that is "a world of iniquity." (Jas. 3:6) It is too bad that a gospel preacher can't conduct himself in a public discussion as a gentleman at least.
When preachers forbid "their" members to attend a meeting during which the issues are being discussed and even misrepresents the nature of the meeting, there is evidence of photophobia. These pastor-like preachers seem to be afraid some of "their" members will be able to recognize truth from the error of the liberal way. We invited a young lady who is a Catholic to the services of the church not long ago and were informed that Catholics aren't allowed to attend such meetings. We have often heard that the strength of Catholicism lies in keeping her members in ignorance. Could this be true of the liberal churches (?) of Christ?
When a so-called gospel paper will not allow both sides of a question to be discussed openly in its pages there again is evidence of photophobia. If the liberal element of the church has the truth, what is there to fear? We believe in this instance, also, that fear lies in the knowledge that some readers have the ability to recognize truth when presented along with error. When a writer is forced to rely on character assassination, pseudo-sympathy or run to the Greek to prove a point, then his scriptural position must be very weak indeed. Under these conditions it would be best, of course, to keep the readers in ignorance by shielding them from the radiation effects of God's truth.
These are only a few of the evidences of a condition known in the medical world as photophobia with a spiritual application. It is a sad commentary on the people of God when they cannot discuss religious questions in a Christian-like manner; when self-imposed protectorate preachers will not allow members of the body of Christ to take part in discussing the issues before the church in an effort to unify the body of Christ and also when religious journals will not allow both sides of a question to be heard. But such is the case and will be as long as brethren have a morbid fear of the light of God's truth.