Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 20, 1960

G. K. Wallace Is Wrong; Nashville Does Need Saving!

Thomas O'neal, Jasper, Alabama

In the Gospel Advocate, March 3, 1960, G. K. Wallace had an article to appear entitled, "The Saviors of Nashville." This article was simply an attack on the Franklin Road Church for bringing some faithful preachers to speak on some of the things troubling the church today. Wallace calls those who came at the invitation of the Franklin Road Church "termites." His "termites" include: Harris J. Dark, Charles M. Campbell, Irven Lee, E. L. Flannery, James P. Miller, Stanley J. Lovett, Cecil B. Douthitt, W. Curtis Porter, Herschel Patton, Bennie Lee Fudge, and James A. Allen. Wallace sarcastically says, "These are the men who came to save Nashville."

However, a look at some things said in Nashville recently will prove to the honest mind that Nashville really does need some one to save them from digression.

April 17-21, 1960 was the date for the "1960 Lipscomb Spring Lecture Series" with the theme being "The Nature of the Church " Below are some key quotations made on the campus of David Lipscomb College during this week. The quotations are taken from The Nature Of The Church, 1960 Lipscomb Spring Lecture Series.

Speaking in a chapel service, the President of Freed-Hardeman College, H. A. Dixon, said:

"Any principle that regulates the use of funds gathered on the first day of the week must also apply to collections made by the church on any occasion." Page 14

"The church is composed of members. When they function, it does. The Savior gave the great commission unto his disciples, and that command became the marching order of the church. Does it not seem incongruous that individual Christians may use their funds in a good work while the same act would not be allowable to the church as a whole?

"Quite often we find the poor in need of medicine, of a physician, or even of hospitalization. We are reminded that the Samaritan took such a man to an inn and paid his expenses for him. This leads us to infer that we "go and do likewise" today. The church may provide the medicine, the physician, or the hospital expense. It could employ a nurse, or any other service that seemed good for the occasion. By the same inferences, it seems evident that Christians could, if they desired, erect a hospital, staff it with Christian doctors and nurses and open the doors to the poor. What a challenge this would present to demonstrate the real inferences of pure and undefiled religion!" (Page 17)

"The great problem of the day is that of believing. Every kind of faith-destroying philosophy is daily presented to youth. Christian education offers the counteroffensive. It proposes to indoctrinate young people with reverence for God and regard for his sacred institutions. It offers faith-building training to help the child live as well as to make a living. It can send your child back to you with increased zeal for the Lord's work. The Christian school is but a means through which a part of the work of saving souls may be done." (Page 17)

"Your speaker is not advocating that the churches begin a program of hospital building, nor has he ever advocated that the churches place the various Christian schools in the budget. There is so much to be done in other ways. Schools have done very well with private support, and we believe they will continue to do so. It does not seem expedient for the churches to take up this work in view of the many calls before them, which must depend entirely upon the donations of brethren. We only desire to show that the support of Christian schools is not a violation of the Scriptures. We believe that any church has the right to use its funds thus if it decides to do so." (Page 17-18)

Dixon was speaking on, "For What Can the Lord's Day Contribution Be Used?" I challenge Dixon to produce from the New Testament where any church in New Testament times ever used their funds for what he says they can be used for today! Will he do it?

But listen more to the President of Alabama Christian College speaking on "Matters of Faith Vs. Matters of Opinion." Rex A. Turner, said:

"Another matter of faith involved is the right and responsibility of the church to support the teaching of the word of God. The word of God is taught in the Christian schools. To the degree and expense that the word is taught, churches may underwrite that expense by church contributions. If this point will not stand, by the same token churches must withdraw their support from all Bible Chairs that are maintained in the several public colleges and universities throughout the nation." (Page 89)

"Whether or not expediency would warrant a church contribution to a Christian school is a question of judgment. One point that deserves emphasis here is that a Christian school has no right in any way to impose its program upon the church to the hurt or embarrassment of the freedom and autonomy of that

church." (Page 89)

Thus, it is evident that with teaching like this coming from Nashville, some one must "cry aloud and spare not" in Nashville. Wallace is wrong; Nashville needs saving from such teaching as this, and not only Nashville, but any place where such is taught.

Many comments and questions could be made and asked concerning these quotations, but these are given so others might have the use of these "words of wisdom."

In closing, let me say this: these quotations are the paragraphs just as they are found in the book. If those quoted claim that I have misrepresented them, then let them repudiate Lipscomb's published account of what they said!