Adventures In Good Reading
These books may be ordered from the Gospel Guardian Company. P. O. Box 980. Lufkin. Texas.
DEVOTIONAL PROGRAMS ABOUR BIBLE WOMEN, By Claudine Watts Dever, The Standard Publishing Foundation. $1.50.
The author gives a short history of six women in the Old Testament, and six women in the New Testament.
The book contains an outline for the use of the book in meeting of ladies for Bible studies, Songs, Lesson Read, Prayer. The first Study will be. Sarah, Mother of Nations. This is followed by a well-written of Sarah's life in 8 pages. Topics For Discussion. Closing Prayer Following each lesson is a blank page which may be used to make such notes as you may wish.
The book will be welcomed by those who wish to join other ladies in studying about women of the Bible. I wonder, sister, how many of prominent women of the Bible you can mention, and what they did. You will profit by using this book.
PRAYERS OF THE BIBLE, Phillip Watters, Baker Book House, $3.95.
Compiling this book required much time. I was not prepared to find so many "prayers", and a book so large It was first printed in 1883. You will find some prayers which were not answered, and the "Why" they were not answered. Some prayers are forbidden. I would be glad to know that a copy of this book was in very home, and read often. Do not forget when you pray: You are talking to Jehovah, if you pray as you could, and always ask that "Thy will be done" You may ask for something in a prayer which would not be for your good, nor the good of others.
MAN AT HIS BEST, By Leonard Cochran, 174 p., Abdington Press, Cloth bound.
The author, a Methodist minister, if highly appreciated by his church, and those who know him. A portion of this book is about Christ; but the major part is about "man."
He thinks but few think of what they will be, and do in life, and begin early to make preparation for that work. What is your object in life? Is it wholly selfish. Do you see what others have done which contributes to you happiness in life? Look about yourself, see what others have done that contribute to the world. Do not allow yourself to think of self all the while. Man is at "his best" when he striving to be one of those who make a better world, socially, religiously, as well as in the conveniences of civilization. Secure a copy of this book, there is yet time for you to be a factor in making a better world.