Bill Cavender, 3501 7th Street, Port Arthur, Texas: "A debate will be held in Atlanta, Texas, February 24 through 27, between Mr. W. E. Yocom, pastor of the United Pentecostal Church in Atlanta, and Brother Robert L. (Bob) Craig of the DeQueen Blvd. church of Christ in Port Arthur, Texas. The debate will be held in the United Pentecostal building and there will be night sessions only, beginning each night at 7:30. The propositions for discussion are as follows:
1. The scriptures teach that in order to be saved in this age one must be baptized in water and baptized with the Holy Ghost as the Apostles and their converts were. Yocom affirms; Craig denies.
2. The scriptures teach that there are three separate and distinct persons in the Godhead. Craig affirms; Yocom denies.
3. The scriptures teach that the words "In the name of Jesus Christ" or their equivalent, must be stated in the baptism in water of a penitent believer, and such baptism has not been properly administered when the words Father, Son and Holy Ghost are used. Yocom affirms; Craig denies.
4. The church of Christ of which I, Robert L Craig, am a member is the only church authorized in the New Testament. Craig affirms; Yocom denies.
Brother Leon Odom of the Pear Ridge church in Port Arthur and this writer will assist Brother Craig in this discussion and will serve as moderators for him.
Harrison, Arkansas
William E. Wallace, McAlester, Oklahoma: 'In December I was with the Central congregation, Central at Cherry, Harrison, Arkansas. This group is made up of fine stalwart Christian souls. It is a small group, but it is working in harmony under an efficient eldership.
The work in Harrison has been plagued with many problems of severe effect. However it appears that Central congregation is ready to experience some growth and good work. The group has been persecuted and afflicted by the liberal elements in the area, but Central's eldership has stood its ground well. Misrepresentation, false charges and political thrusts by liberal brethren have hurt the work, but it is far from being dead.
Central congregation is urgently in need of a preacher — an experienced, settled, sound man. Central has its building paid for, and owns a preacher's house. The brethren are not now able to pay a salary like most preachers would need or want, but they would allow the preacher to receive partial support elsewhere. The work will be difficult for awhile, but it will be rewarding.
Harrison is an exceptionally good place to live. It is a thriving mountain town of 6,000. New industry is moving into the area. Nestled in the Ozarks, Harrison is made up of friendly, free hearted citizens who are interested in Biblical truth. Here is a good opportunity for a good gospel preacher.
Write me at Box 399, McAlester, Oklahoma, or Duncan Henderson, Box 67, Henderson, Arkansas, or Harold Sharp, Box 124, Conway, Arkansas for further information. If I had not already arranged to go to McAlester I would be heading for Harrison!"
W. E. (Bud) Irvine, P. O. Box 616, Earth, Texas: "My father, Wm. S. Irvine, is improving rapidly after a long, serious illness which necessitated three operations. Prayers and thoughts on his behalf were greatly appreciated by the family. His address is: 5138 Lorelei; Lakewood, California. During 1958 I held meetings in Hillsboro and Cottage Grove, Oregon; Lakewood and Fillmore, California. Lord willing I will be in the Northwest during the month of March and will hold meetings in Renton, Washington and Lebanon, Oregon. I also have a meeting scheduled in Loveland, Colorado for August. We began our fifth year of work with the Earth congregation the first of the year."
TAMPA, January 6 — "Things Concerning The Kingdom of God" and "Keeping The Unity of The Spirit In The Bond of Peace" will be the main themes for four day and night sessions of Florida Christian College Thirteenth Annual Lecture Program. The series is announced for March 2, 3, 4 and 5 and conducted later this year than before when weather conditions are expected to be more ideal in Florida for the hundreds of visitors to be in attendance from over the country.
Hugh Davis, of Birmingham, Alabama will deliver the initial lecture on Monday evening, March 2, at 8:15 p.m. following a program of music under the direction of James Walker that will begin at 7:30 o'clock, in Chamberlain High Auditorium. Day session will be conducted on the FCC campus.
Other programs scheduled:
Tuesday, March 3Rd
9:15 A.M. (Chapel) "Plowing New Fields" Harold Dowdy, Jessup, Georgia 10:05 A.M. "Seed of the Kingdom" Paul Keller, Paragould, Arkansas
11:00 A.M. "Quibbles That Backfired", W. Curtis Porter, Monette, Arkansas 1:45 P.M. "The Unshakable Kingdom" Stanley J. Lovett, Beaumont, Texas
2:40 P.M. "The Problem of Suffering" Homer Halley, F C C 3:35 P.M. "Round Table Discussion" Franklin T. Puckett, Akron, Ohio
7:30 P.M. "Divine Wisdom and Human Leadership" W. L. Wharton, Brady, Texas 8:30 P.M. "Unifying Facts" Robert Jackson, Nashville, Tennessee
Wednesday, March 4Th
9:15 A.M. (Chapel) "The Field Is The World" Leslie Diestelkamp, Cicero, Illinois 10:05 A.M. "The Nature of the King" Eugene Britnell, Tuckerman, Arkansas
11:00 A.M. "Quibbles That Backfired" W. Curtis Porter, Monette, Arkansas 1:45 P.M..... "Kingdom Duties — Individual and Collective" Irven Lee, Russellville, Alabama
2:40 P.M. "The Problem of Suffering" Homer Hailey, F C C 3:35 P.M. "Round Table Discussion" Franklin T. Puckett, Akron, Ohio
7:30 P.M. "FCC Music Program" James Walker, F C C 8:15 P.M. "Unifying Gifts" Gene Frost, Houston, Texas
Thursday, March 5Th
9:15 A.M. (Chapel) "Sowers of the Seed" F C C Students 10:05 A.M. "Nature of Heavenly Citizens" Earl Ply, Valley Station, Kentucky
11:00 A.M. "Quibbles That Backfired" W. Curtis Porter, Monette, Arkansas 1:45 P.M. 'The Eternal Kingdom" Bryan Vinson, Jr., Aurora, Illinois
2:40 P.M. "The Problem of Suffering" Homer Hailey, F C C 3:35 P.M. "Round Table Discussion" Franklin T. Puckett, Akron, Ohio
7:30 P.M. "FCC Music Program" James Walker, F C C 8:15 P.M. "The Trial of Jesus" Roy Cogdill, Nacogdoches, Texas
Every effort will be made to place visitors in rooms, motels, etc. near the campus at the lowest possible cost. Meals may be had in the College Cafeteria or the Student Center at nominal prices. Write C. W. Scott, FCC, Tampa 10, Florida for desired accommodations."