Some Frightening Questions
Are we not certainly headed for Rome once again? Is not every indication pointing in that direction? Is Rome swaying our thinking? Are we ignorantly being controlled by Rome ? Or, has Rome so completely blunted our perceptive powers and thwarted our faith that we are striving to outstrip his by our own wisdom and judgment? Stripped of the power through the word of God can we do it? Have we ever done so? Was it not tried in the early history of the church?
If the church universally can operate as a unit, is that not exactly what Rome is doing? Are we not moving in that same direction? Why? Does God bind such movements upon us? If so, where? Somebody should know where it is in all His word should they not? And, if the church universally can operate as a unit who will be responsible for her conduct or misconduct? Will elders be appointed to oversee the church universally? If so, what elders? Will preachers? If so, what preachers? Boards? What or which board? Editors? Which editors? Who will it be? Will we bow in submission to them? Are we doing it? Then will another board be appointed over them to keep them in line? And finally, will this superior board be urged to appoint a big papa over them to keep them in line? And will we live to see them fussing, fighting and quarreling over who will be the big papa? Or will Rome have us swallowed up before that time? Why wouldn't that be better, especially for those who may be trying to outstrip her by their own wisdom? Would that not leave those of us who do not intend to bow to such a monster free to follow the wisdom of God?
We can understand how a group of elders can stop such a movement locally, but who on earth can stop it universally? Who has that power or authority? Does any man or group of men? Even if we were to select a big papa to stop such evil movements would he have the backbone to try it. Could he succeed? Would those whom he has deceived and misled not cry out and scoff in his face, 'papa, you started this movement and crammed it down our throats and made us like it, and now, if you don't like it you can go 'jump in the lake' and we will select a papa to suit our taste?" Of course, that will be a sad day for that papa, will it not? But will it not be far sadder for that papa in the day of Judgement when he has to face the pure word of God which he has abused and misused, and which was given to him as a perfect guide? Will he not cry out for the rocks and mountains to fall upon him and hide him from the great judge of all judges and from the face of those whom he has deceived and misled? Will it not be too late to beg for mercy?
Did you say that such a monster as described is impossible? Did you say it cannot happen again? Who said it cannot happen again? It did happen in the early life of the church did it not? Why can't it happen again? People then followed the thinking of their leaders did they not? Aren't people still doing the same thing? If people had read, believed and obeyed the word of God would there have ever been such a thing as the "dark ages?" In spite of our so-called education aren't we still being swayed by the wisdom of men rather than the wisdom of God? Who can deny it? Who will deny it? How can any man or woman be misled if they read, believe and obey the truth as revealed in God's word? If there is anything impossible that is it, is it not? Unless His word misleads we will not be misled, will we? Why don't we read, believe and obey the word of truth for ourselves? We are waiting for some big papa to tell us what to believe are we not? Can you now see why and how such a monster is possible if not probable? Could it not be much worse than the monster we already have? Is it not a fact that such a movement as is already in progress could "crucify the Son of God afresh and put him to an open shame?" Are you willing to stand by and watch that happen without a fight? How can you, if you expect the Lord to save you?
Is it not a fact that the leaders of these modern movements know that we are ignorant of the truth of God, and aren't they striving to keep us that way? If not, why do they not give us a "thus saith the Lord" for what they ask us to believe and do? And why do they cast pitchforks and butcher knives at us then slam the door in our faces and thus refuse to give us a chance through the same medium to reply? Is such a man a Christian? Is he even honest? Will we bow the knee to such a man — no matter who he is, elder, preacher, editor, board member or youth leader — will we forsake the Lord to follow him? Are we doing it? What does a man like that care for our souls? Is it not true that all he is looking for is fame and money? And if he can keep us believing in his word instead of the word of the Lord he knows he can get both, does he not? Isn't he an unbeliever? Do we wish to follow the philosophy of unbelievers? Can we be believers and follow them? Does not faith come by the word of God — not uninspired man? Is not faith in action simply taking God at his word and doing what he said whether we understand the "whys" and "wherefores" or not? "Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"