News And Views
From Here And There
George Pennock has moved to Waukesha, Wisconsin. He follows Billy Boyd in the work there . . . . Richard Burges has moved to Sheboygan, Wisconsin, to work with the church. The church there is only a little over two years old and they are not able to fully support Burges. Some financial assistance is needed for him . . . . Karl Diestelkamp is laboring with the 35th and Cherry church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin . . . . Harry E. Johnson has moved from Wadena, Minnesota, to LaCrosse, Wisconsin . . . Jim Wilburn has moved to Winters, Texas from Appleton, Wisconsin. Wayne Sullivan has followed him in the work at Appleton . . . . John O. Williams is now with the Northside church in Milwaukee . . . . All the above information has been gathered from the last issue of a monthly publication called "Reaper's Report." It is published in behalf of the churches in Wisconsin. Robert E. Speer and Karl Diestelkamp are the co-editors. It is an interesting paper . . . . Delton Porter is moving from Waynesboro, Tennessee to Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee, where he will work with the Locust St. church . . . . J. Wiley Adams will soon move from Decatur, Georgia, where he has been with the Glenwood Hills church, to Fairmont, W. Va., to work with the Washington Street church ... . After five years with the Jackson Heights church in Florence, Alabama, Barney Keith is moving to work with the church in Lexington, Ky Robert Farrish, who has been in Lexington, Ky. for several years, has moved to labor with the church in San Bernardino, California ... . D. D. Woody is moving from Lewisburg, Tennessee, to Cookeville, Tennessee . . . . Billy Cavender is now with Thomas Blvd. church in Port Arthur, Texas. He moved from Cooper, Texas . . . . David Harkrider has moved to work with the Cooper, Texas church from Mineola, Texas .... Wilson Coon has moved to Phoenix, Arizona to work with the Westside church. Derrel Starling, who has done a fine work with the Westside church for the last four years, has begun work with a new congregation started by Westside in the Maryvale section of Phoenix. The new work is off to an excellent start . . . . I see that Fred Dennis is now sending out copies of a tract on POTTER ORPHAN HOME, by Ben F. Taylor. I have one with his name and address stamped on the back of it. This means, as does his hanging on with the GOSPEL ADVOCATE, that he is going right along with the institutional movement that is trying to take over the church. This must be a keen disappointment to some who thought that they knew Dennis and that he would stand even when the going got rough. Well. I have never met the man in my life, but I predicted long ago that he would line up when it became evident which way the crowd would go and when the pressure got heavy! Dennis has written some good, straight, strong articles in the past that would cut all the props from under such things. In the early stages of the "fight" he tried to sneak in a few good blows at the encroachments of such things, but he has now quit that. He really should join the few others and make a "confession" in the ADVOCATE "confessional box." Taylor's tract is about as weak as water and he missed the real issue completely. Like most of the other things written in defense of such human arrangements, he misrepresents the opposition and many of the facts. Look for Dennis' confession . . . . Leslie Dieselkamp is making plans to go to Nigeria sometime in the late fall. He is a good, solid man and would do good anywhere he goes. The reports concerning the work in Nigeria are so amazing that some of them are just hard to believe. Almost every report tells of a large number of baptisms and of others eager to be taught. This must indeed be a strange sight to behold — one the like of which I have never seen. I really appreciate men who are willing to leave their homeland and go into other fields to labor. May God bless every such faithful servant. They need our help and support ... Doyle Banta is soon to begin work with the Eastside church in Athens, Alabama. For several years, Bennie Lee Fudge has worked with that church and has done an excellent job, but has never accepted any financial support . . . Herbert Dickey is moving from Gilmer, Texas to work with the Bealah church, just out of Cullman, Alabama . . . . It really does me good to know that there are some readers of this column. In the last column I mentioned the need for some papers to complete my files. Much to my surprise and delight many of the papers were immediately supplied — some were even over-supplied! I take this means to express my sincere thanks to each and every one of you who sent papers or offered to do so. I am still in need of the following: FIRM FOUNDATION, 1957, No. 15, 22 and 23; TRUTH MAGAZINE, 1957, Vol. 1, No. 5; GOSPEL ADVOCATE, 1932, No. 32, 41, 42, 45 and 47; and GOSPEL ADVOCATE, 1933, No. 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30 thru 34, 36 thru 38, and 47. Also, I still need the March, 1941 and the June, 1946 copy of the BIBLE BANNER. I have several extra copies of old ADVOCATES and BANNERS that I will gladly trade for some of the ones that I need to complete my sets. Please advise me at once if you have any of the above listed papers. I want to complete these sets and will gladly pay for any of these papers .... HANDY BIBLE HELPS is the name of a new book by Guthrie Dean of Judsonia, Arkansas. It is a unique little booklet and contains a lot of unusual and interesting information assembled for ready use. For example, it tells the name of every animal mentioned in the Bible and where you can read of such; about the colors, birds, diseases, insects, metals, mountains, women, money and many other such things mentioned in the God's word. Part Two deals with Interesting Bible Facts, Words and Phrases Defined, and other matters. It is a neat printing job. The price is 75c per copy. Order directly from the author . . . . Buff Scott, Jr. has sent out a letter advising one and all that he is a "changed man." He makes a confession that he has been motivated by the "spirit of contention" in the past. NOW it is going to be different! Whereas he once opposed nearly everybody and everything thinking that perhaps no one but himself could possibly be saved, he is now pursuing a different course. He is going to LOVE everybody now and oppose nothing but those who do oppose things! He is now opposed to opposing! Buff says he is "sick" and I can pretty well agree with this judging by his writings and my discussions (by letter) with him. The trouble with Buff is that he is but another victim of the insidious working of modernism. He has been diseased in heart and soul with the foulsome, modernistic reasoning and philosophy of Leroy Garrett.
Buff really went overboard in a hurry into this thing. Anyone who has read any of Buff's writings lately knows that he has had a complete spiritual "crackup." What a pity. Mark up another victim of modernism . . . . I recently received this word from William E. Fain, now of Dallas, Oregon: "Just a word to let you know that I believe that your editorial in the GG of April 3, 1958 (about Leroy Garrett's modernism — Holt) is the best thing I have ever seen by you. I know Leroy personally and share your sadness in the loss of one with such ability. In all points you were fair, honest, plain, pointed and simple. Thanks again." ....Since the big Youth Rally in Dallas recently was so successful (?), the Hugo, Oklahoma church tried to have one. I have a copy of one of the big ads appearing in the local paper about it — LIVING FOR CHRIST YOUTH RALLY. There was a picture of Roddy Osborne, Bobby Morrow and well, no, it isn't Pat Boone, but none other than James D. Bales! Imagine Bales trying to take Boone's place in such a show as that! The ad says that Bales is a "Noted Lecturer and Author," but even that high-sounding description can't put him in a class with Boone as a drawing card for teen-agers. I just wonder if Bales tried to sing! He has recently returned from running around all over the world talking about "Christianity and Communism," and he may do a fair job at that; but he can never reach the place that he can pull in the screaming teen-agers like Boone. I am surprised that he would think so or that anyone else would. The ad also tells that there is to be a movie shown at this YOUTH RALLY. No. it isn't a movie about Christ, the Bible or even the Holy Land. It is a "Color Film On The 1956 Olympics at Melbourne, Australia." Yep, this was all "Sponsored by Hugo Church of Christ." All of this and many brethren still can't accept the fact that digression and modernism is about to sweep away the church into apostasy! What will it take to wake up some folk? This YOUTH RALLY thing has really caught on and they are being held all over the country now. The big one in Dallas really put "us" on the map in the minds of the worldlings and promoters. We have about reached our place in the sun now. No longer can the "other sects" look down their noses at us. In the bulletin of the Urbandale church in Dallas. where R. J. Smith, Jr. is the preacher and Bill Patterson is the "Education Director" (whatever that is), read this about the RALLY: "Local newspapers and television news gave considerable recognition to the meeting. Truly the Church of Christ is no longer a small back-road group of people — the church is on the march, and with our young people rallying to help (and destined to be the leaders of tomorrow), we will go forward with greater force and accomplishment." Looks like that RALLY really made us! We have now arrived! This stunt in Dallas called a YOUTH RALLY is about the biggest promotional scheme thus far hatched up. At least, it brought out the largest attendance for our "denomination" in our history! Well, that is a record for the rest of the ambitious promoters to shoot at. The others will not be outdone. Will Nashville sit by and let Texas beat them? Where is Dr. Ira North? Surely he can think up a show that will top the one in Dallas and draw a greater crowd. He is one of the "promotiness" promoters among us and if he can't think it up and promote it such just can't be done! All these capers would be quite funny if it were not for the far more serious aspects of the things . . . . Did you know that the YOUTH RALLY in Dallas was a Union Meeting more or less like the sects have? Well, it certainly was and it was advertised that way. In the half-page ads in the Dallas papers it plainly stated that "ALL FAITHS INVITED." Now if that doesn't make it a Union Meeting, why doesn't it? Billy Graham does the same thing. So do all the others who conduct Union Meetings — meetings for and to which "all faiths" are invited! Can anyone be so naive as to deny that digression has come? If so, they must be totally ignorant of Bible teaching. Did YOU think that there is but "one faith?" Are YOU so old-fashioned as to believe that the Apostle Paul was right in saying that there is one faith and but one faith? If so, chances are that you are what would be called a "hobby-rider" and an "anti....
Warder Novak has moved from Huntsville, Alabama, where he worked with the Central church. to Columbia, Tennessee to be with the West Seventh St. church . . Hiram O. Hutto is off to a very good start in his work with the new Pleasant Grove church in Birmingham, Alabama . . . . John Whitfield lives and labors with the small church in Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada. He has been there over a year now and is doing a good work. He has been staying on there even in spite of inadequate financial support. He needs and should have at least $100 more per month. It is a shame to see a good, faithful man give his best in a hard field and do so without proper support. Some church would do well to help him and I commend the work to you. We are helping him some but cannot do any more at present. Who will help him' Harold Howard is moving from Tampa, Florida to work with the Academy St. church in Dickson, Tennessee . Granville Tyler is to move from West Helena, Arkansas to work with the Sommerville Rd. church in Decatur, Georgia Again I express my sincere appreciation to all of you for sending me bulletins, tracts, letters and other things of interest showing what is going on in the brotherhood — and what isn't going on? I have a pretty interesting collection of such matter sand hope to be giving the readers of this column the benefit of some of them all along.