Attention To Eastern North Carolina
Thriving business, new industry, increasing population, military centers, diversified business, and year round employment — this all adds up to a boom. And that is what you have in eastern North Carolina so far as the secular is concerned. In this tidewater region, Carteret county is rapidly growing toward an eastern seaboard import and export center. It's a big county. Two big Marine Corps bases are nearby in adjoining counties. The twin cities of Morehead City and Beaufort are the centers of business and county affairs. They are historic towns, rich in a background of American folk lore. But they are also advancing and progressing in a 20th century boom, especially Morehead City.
There is no church of Christ in these two cities, in fact there is only one church of Christ in the county. The Newport congregation, 10 miles away, is doing well. It is just arriving to the point of being self-sustaining, having received considerable help from the brethren to the west. The Newport congregation stands out as an example of what can be done when brethren from the west help. At Newbern, 40 miles away, in another county, there is a struggling congregation, helped along by churches in Texas. Gordon MacRae preaches for this group, Ronald Martin for the Newport congregation. There is a congregation at Jacksonville, 40 miles from Morehead City, and then one at Wilmington, 90 miles away, another at Kinston 70 miles away and then a rural congregation at Pike Road over 100 miles distant. These are the nearest churches to the Beaufort-Morehead City area.
Boon-time is a good time for church building. The time is ripe for evangelistic efforts in Morehead City and Beaufort, N. C. An experienced preacher is ready to go, all that is needed now is your interest and help — the interest and help from sound brethren and sound congregations.
J. Wiley Adams, brother to Connie Adams of the Norwegian work, spent about three years with the congregation in Newport in eastern North Carolina. He knows the people of that area, he knows his way around, he is sound, faithful, dedicated, consecrated and proficient in the Master's work. He has been working with the Glenwood Hills church in Decatur, Georgia but is hankering to get back in an area where he can do ground work for the Lord. He and his good wife have three children. Brother Adams is looking for $90.00 a week support plus house rental. He ought to have $125.00 per week. Here is a man qualified for the work, a man in whom congregations 'can place confidence knowing that there will be results, visible results of the labors put forth.
I am well acquainted with the work in eastern North Carolina, I know something of the folkways and customs of the area. I am also well acquainted with J. Wiley Adams, and I can cheerfully recommend him for the work.
Let's step forward to help get this work started. Write to Brother Adams 0/0 Church of Christ. 3111 Glenwood Road. Decatur, Georgia and get more information. He wants to begin work in Morehead City this fall. If preachers and elders will place this thing before various congregations this work can become a reality and God will bless all who have some part in it.