Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 2, 1950

New Home Of Denver Heights

This well-built structure is the new home of Highland Church, San Antonio, Texas, formerly known as Denver Heights. A. Hugh Clark has been with this church several years, having served them at two different times.

The Highland Church in San Antonio was formerly known as the Denver Heights Church. Two or three years ago a splendid piece of property was purchased on Highland Avenue in a splendid section of the city of San Antonio and approximately a mile from the old location. A beautiful and commodious house of worship has recently been completed in this new location and the congregation held its first worship service in the new building on the first Sunday in November, 1949. The improvement of the location of the church together with the wonderful improvement in its facilities for carrying on its work insure the accomplishment of an immeasurably greater work in the future than this fine church has done in the past. The new building is among the prettiest in the entire country, and it is almost certain, due to careful supervision and planning, that they have more for their money in the way of actual facilities for carrying on a scriptural program of church work than most any congregation that has built a place of worship in recent years.

A. Hugh Clark is serving his second period as local preacher for this congregation and has been there for several years this last time. He has done a remarkably successful work both in building strength into the congregation spiritually and numerically and in pushing through the building program recently brought to a completion. He was preceded by L. R. Wilson, during whose ministry the congregation decided upon the move from its old location, and the present property was bought.

The house was opened with a ten-day gospel meeting, conducted by Roy E. Cogdill, of Lufkin. This church is blessed with a strong eldership, and her stand for the truth on all issues is unquestioned.

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A. Chester Grimes, 2924 West Broadway, Muskogee, Okla.: "One baptized last Sunday. In the last month we have had seven baptisms, one restoration, and one by transfer of membership. The work here at the West Side is open for some good man. This is an excellent work, a new building, a good radio program, a good leadership, and a fine congregation."

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Max L. Johnson, 410 S. College Ave., Tahlequah, 0kla. "Yesterday we broke the previous records for Bible study and morning worship attendance. There was one restored."

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J. T. Marlin, Dickson, Tenn.: "There were two baptisms, and one restoration here Sunday. Five hundred sixteen attended Bible study and an overflow crowd for the morning service."

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W. E. Fortney, 162 Harrison St., Clarksburg, W. Va., January 17: "I want to thank you brethren for the two fine books which you sent me. I am now reading the Cogdill-Jackson Debate and think it is among the best. I am sure the truth will never suffer in Brother Cogdill's hands.

"I have heard Brother Wallace preach many times and I know The Certified Gospel will be good.

"I will encourage the brethren everywhere I preach, to subscribe for the Gospel Guardian."

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Fred E. Dennis, 514 Cutler St., Marietta, Ohio, January 17: "The meeting at New Martinsville, W. Va., continued over three Lord's days. We were going to close on Thursday night, but because of the good attendance and interest we continued until Sunday night. Visiting brethren attended from more than forty different congregations. The local attendance was good. Four were baptized, and two restored. C. D. Beagle is doing a good work there. I know of no better worker than Carl Rine. He is preaching some.

The singing was conducted most of the time by James L. Batton and Elden Rine. It was my seventh meeting at New Martinsville. I was there first twenty-five years ago. I shall return for another meeting. On the first Lord's day afternoon, I went to Fannington, W. Va., to conduct the funeral of L. L. Hupp. On the last Lord's day afternoon we had an afternoon session. Begin at Crystal Park, Canton, Ohio, January 22, and at Newport, Ohio, February 13."

Claude B. Holcomb, 633 W. Collin, Corsicana, Texas, January 16: "During the past five weeks two have been baptized, one has publicly acknowledged sin, and another has been identified with the Fifth Avenue congregation here. The brethren have outlined a budget for 1950, which includes support for Bill Phillips in Holland, K. A. Stone in Colorado, and other mission work. A new congregation on North Beaton Street in Corsicana began the first of the year. The three congregations here are planning together to carry on a daily radio broadcast, beginning soon."

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Joe Banks, Amarillo, Texas, January 9: "John Teel, formerly of Morrilton, Ark., has been selected by the elders of this congregation to continue with the effort that was started some time ago in Pierre, South Dakota. Brother Teel is leaving Monday, January 16, to begin his new work in South Dakota. Brother Teel is under the oversight of the San Jacinto elders and is being supported by a number of congregations in Oklahoma and Texas. The San Jacinto congregation plans to use their forces in a special effort in Pierre in the early spring."

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J. W. Hays, Hughson, Calif.: "All loyal gospel preachers should push the spread of the Gospel Guardian, everywhere they go. We can build a circulation to be proud of this year, if all will do so."

(note: Why not act upon the suggestion of Brother Hays ? The circulation is growing, and interesting things are in the makings. News Editor.)

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T. H. Tarbet, Box A, Hobbs, N. M., January 16: "This church conducted a meeting series during the Christmas holidays. E. Debs Smith, who conducts the Bible Chair at Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, N. M. preached in his usual fine way. C. R. Mansfield, who preaches at Seminole, Texas, did a splendid job of leading the singing. Much good was done in this effort. The week that the meetings closed we baptized two.

"The day following the close of the meetings, January 2, we had a lectureship here. Visiting brethren came from twenty-seven towns and cities. The following brethren spoke: 0. M. Prescott of Denver City, Texas; E. Debs Smith of Portales, N. M.; Geo. True Baker of Kermit, Texas; Luther G. Roberts of Clovis, N. M.; Mack Kercheville of El Paso; and A. H. Kennamer of Odessa, Texas."