E. Ray Jenkins, Paris, Tenn., November 2: "Sunday there were four baptisms, and one to place membership. This makes five baptisms in three Sundays. There have been three baptisms recently at the newly established colored congregation. The elders here are continuing the daily radio program over WTPR, now in the 26th month."
Frank L. Smith, November 4: "The meeting in which I preached for the 5th and Marble Streets Church, in Albuquerque, N. M., resulted in one baptism. It was a pleasure to work with Frank Van Dyke, who has served well with this congregation for over two years.
Three were restored at the Tenth and Bell Church in Shawnee during my absence. Our work seems to go well"
Vaughn D. Shofner, 1506 Arnett St., Lubbock, Texas, November 1: "October Bible school attendance at Southside averaged 225 per Sunday. This is above the attendance at the time the new congregation went out from this church some eighteen months ago. With many examples like this, prudence ought to help finite man overcome his desire to build another Babel, make us a name of bricks and mortar and horde and hide the talents that might be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth."
M. S. Gobbord, 173 Sunnyside Ave., Campbell, Calif., October 31: "Yesterday marked the beginning of a new congregation of Christians in the beautiful little city, Sunnyvale, Calif. The writer had the pleasure the two first sermons in this work. From every viewpoint, this was an extraordinary beginning. Seventy four present and the offering $100. They have among their leaders Bro. Lewis, formerly elder of the East Oakland Church—Bro. Wilson a deacon in the fine church at San Jose along with about fifteen other members from the church in San Jose. The new congregation is assured the favor and cooperation of all in the Bay area, which, to them will mean much—and permit me to solicit the prayers of every unit of the body of Christ for their success."
The Vickery Boulevard Church, Ft. Worth, Texas, recently heard a series of lectures on vital subjects by representative speakers as follows:
"What Is Wrong With Modernism?"
James D. Bales, Harding College
"What Is Wrong with Divine Healing?"
G. K. Wallace, Wichita, Kansas
"What Is Wrong with Premillennialism?"
Cled Wallace, Weatherford, Texas
"What Is Wrong with Instrumental Music in Worship?"
Paul Southern, A. C. C.
"What Is Wrong with Denominationalism?"
Yater Tant, Oklahoma City, Okla.
"What Is Wrong with Catholicism?"
Roy E. Cogdill, Lufkin, Texas
"What Is Wrong with Sectarian Baptisms?"
Trine Starnes, Waco, Texas
"What Is Wrong with the Doctrine of Faith Only?"
Hulen Jackson, Dallas, Texas
G. Warren Morris, with Sears and Summitt Church, Dallas, Texas, has resigned to begin work with the church at Martin, Tenn., January 1.
Wichita Churches Active The churches in Wichita, Kans., have been busy recently in meetings. Franklin T. Puckett closed a meeting with the Lincoln & Emporia congregation, October 30. Brother Puckett went to Altus, Okla., for a meeting with the congregation for which C. C. Abbott labors, covering the first two Sundays in November. Roy E. Cogdill closed a meeting with the West Douglas Church, with which Hoyt Bailey labors, in Wichita November 1. The meetings by Cogdill and Puckett partly overlapped. During this time almost every preacher in Kansas was in attendance one or more times, and almost every congregation in the state was represented. Brother Cogdill is now in a meeting at San Antonio, Texas, with the congregation with which A. Hugh Clark labors. Brother Clark is to conduct a meeting in Wichita, Kans., with the Cleveland Avenue congregation, which will begin the latter part of this month.
Cleon Lyles, Little Rock, Ark., October 31: "One was baptized and six placed membership at Fourth and State, the past week. Five hundred and four responded to the invitation in the past four years. Two hundred and one were baptized. We begin our fifth year with this church this week."
Chas. M. Campbell, 1835 Brown St., Akron, Ohio, Nov. 1: "Rufus R. Clifford was in a meeting with the Brown Street Church, this city, October 16 to 28, with nine baptisms, four restored, and nine to place membership. Also, three were baptized last Lord's day. The church in Akron is moving forward.
I preached the first sermon in the new building at Penfield Junction, Ohio, October 23."
J. K. Bentley, Springtown, Texas, November 1: "I moved here September 1, to work full time with the church. Results so far have been encouraging. I closed a meeting at Azle, near here, the night of October 29. The congregation began meeting there in April and now has a new church building and about fifty to seventy-five in regular attendance.
We hope to move into the new preachers home here about December 1."
Yater Tant closed a meeting at the Twelth and Drexel Church, in Oklahoma City, November 2, with six baptized. J. B. Kinney, the local preacher, led the singing. Brother Tant conducted a meeting in September at Ft. Smith, Ark., with eight baptized,
Earl L. Craig, Canyon, Texas, November 1: "I will be free to hold meetings during June, July, and August of 1950, as well as a few days the last of May, and the first of September. We will not offer work in the Bible Chair at West Texas State College during the summer, due to the fact that most of our students will be graduate students, and cannot receive credit on the work. We cannot offer work in Bible for credit to graduate students. However, we plan to continue the work in September 1950.
I will be open for appointments on Lord's days after December 1. I will continue with Central in Pampa until about December 1. Best wishes for the Gospel Guardian."
Stanley J. Lovett, Kilgore, Texas, November 2: "October 21, Roy E. Cogdill closed a successful meeting with the Houston and Broadway church in Kilgore. The finest attendance at a meeting for a number of years was characteristic of the whole meeting. The interest was of the finest. Every service saw many visitors who were not members of the Lord's church attending. Brother Cogdill's preaching was forceful and of the finest. The church was much strengthened, encouraged, and inspired to greater accomplishments in the future. Two were baptized, and two were restored.
I have held meetings this year at Greggton, Texas; Las Cruces, N. M.; Longmont, Colo.; and Killeen, Texas. The work at Houston and Broadway is progressing in a good way. The church here sends me to Middesboro, Ky., for a meeting with the young church there the first half of December."