Vol.VI No.I Pg.2
March 1969

Plain Talk Volume Six

Robert F. Turner

With this issue Plain Talk begins its sixth year, and we take space to restate our purpose. means of operation, our very identity.

PLAIN TALK is just a name (we hope you find it descriptive) for a paper published by the Oaks—West church of Christ, Burnet. Texas. It is not a separate organization of any kind. It has no bank account, can not endorse checks, is not for sale, sells nothing. It is NOT our Bulletin — (a mimeographed sheet published weekly, for local use) but is part of our teaching program, of the same order as a radio program or articles published in a newspaper. Plain Talk is fully supported by Oaks—West church, and is sent free of charge to all who request it.

We will print 4,000 copies of this issue and use them. We want readers, and we do not have the funds to seek them on the broadcast basis, so we have striven to develop a select mailing list, discouraging indiscriminate blanket mailing. (We accept suggested names for our mailing list, but urge senders to have reason to believe the paper will be read. DO NOT TRY TO WHIP A LIBERAL CHURCH BY SENDING US THEIR DIRECTORY.

A variety of subject matter is presented in Plain Talk, for members and non- members of the Lords church. It is no secret, however, that we have a particular interest in promoting true and scriptural congregational independence, and a non-sectarian concept of Christianity in general. We believe current so-called brotherhood projects are in reality church-hood projects, and as such are rapidly developing a denominational concept of church among our brethren. We love our brethren, and desire serious, objective Bible study with them.

The editor, Robert F. Turner, is subsidized by Oaks—West church for meetings, training classes, etc., in places unable to fully support such work. Plain Talk is written while on the road (this issue, from a cabin north of Flagstaff, Ariz. where the writer and his wife are snow—bound) and he writes all material except as indicated. (Bro. Joe Fitch, local preacher for Oaks—West church, now regularly writes material for page 3. We appreciate your encouraging response to his three articles which appeared in Volume 5.)

Printing is done by John Dyess and Son, Austin; and Burnet church members assemble, staple, address and mail this paper. We strive to preach the Word according to our ability, and only ask for honest consideration.