Vol.IV No.IV Pg.8
May 1967

Stuff About Things

Robert F. Turner

An effort was made to establish a church in a rough mining town of Arizona. Preachers were sent in, supported by other churches; personal work campaigns were conducted; a place for assembly was provided. Nothing seemed to "jell," and finally a preacher who had pushed the work, and preached there frequently, reported through a "brotherhood" journal that the whole work was "dead, and needed only to have its funeral preached."

So, the ballyhoo stopped, the highpowered preachers quit taking their "messages" down there, and the few brethren who remained were left to shift for themselves. One of them, a worker in the mine, began to "make talks" and carry on as best he could. The work grew -- became self-supporting in every way, and the gospel began to reach the hearts of others.

A "poor wise man" "by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man." Solomon said, "The words of the wise heard in quiet are better than the cry of him that ruleth among fools. Wisdom is better than weapons of war; but one sinner destroyeth much good." (Eccl. 9:13-18) Surely there is a lesson in this somewhere. Who will hear?? Then there was the fellow who had job offer -- in a town where was no functioning church. I urged him to go, and start a congregation. Of course he protested, "I can not do that -- I never did anything like that in my life."

But he went. He put notices on the bill-boards, in the papers, etc. A few began to meet with him and his family, to read the scriptures, pray, sing, and partake of the Lord's Supper. He wrote me to know if they should send their contributions to us. How absurd can one get? They began to give with God's purposes in mind, and soon they had purchased an old barrack as a meeting place to accommodate the growing assembly.

Our friend, who "never did anything like that in my life" baptized his first convert. He wrote me of the plans to expand their facilities, and how they needed a preacher to "take over" the work.

And I wrote that they were "fixing to make a mess our of that church." No, I am not against preachers, or any scriptural effort to grow. But we underestimate God's power to use the small, poor, willing man to His glory.