Vol.III No.V Pg.8
June 1966

Stuff About Things

Robert F. Turner

This touching letter is one of the true rewards we receive for writing PLAIN TALK. It covers bitterness (see editorial page) with a gentle cloak. --------------------

"I surely did enjoy reading "To See Ourselves" in your May publication of PLAIN TALK. It has helped me to see that I'm not as I should be: first, as a Christian, and secondly, as a preacher's wife. I found myself griping about where we live and not having the right attitude at all. Trivial matters upset me and though I was aware my attitude was not Christian I would slip back into my old rut.

"This article has made me sit up and take notice of myself inside and out, and I know I can't act like a Christian on the outside and feel resentful inside. - has been very wonderful and patient with me. I'd have thrown me right out the door for acting so childish.

"How can I, being evil, speak good things." That does answer itself doesn't it? And you know, the thought never entered my mind to put "I" in the place of "ye." Isn't it strange how we always think He is talking to others than ourselves.

"I will read this article again and again. Thank you for writing it."

----------------------- To Which We Replied:

Bro. Jones, Stetson, size 7-2;

Walked the streets of Podunk,

shook hands with the Mayor, had coffee

with the Chief of Police.

Sist. Jones, sun-bonnet, small;

Washed the clothes, changed the

baby, visited the neighbor.

Bro. Jones, 42 long, Hart-Schaffner and Marx;

Mounted the rostrum, roared like a lion,

acknowledged the applause.

Sist. Jones, gingham, size 12;

Sat with the neighbor, introduced

her to the Lord, prayed and sang.

Bro. Jones, striding in front, approached the gate.

"My wife will be here presently,"

he said. "Meantime, I'll be fitted

with my robe and crown."

But the attendant replied,

"Sorry Sir! There is but one outfit prepared:

A small crown, and one white robe, size 12."