Vol.I No.VII Pg.1
July 1964

...And One Came Back...

Robert F. Turner



Burnet, Texas

Dear ___________________:

June 24, 1964

Your return of the June issue of PLAIN TALK has been noted with sadness. We will, as requested, remove your name from our mailing list for this paper.

God's truth, ________________, is the only true basis for unity among those who seek to serve Him and communication is the life line by which honest people work out their differences and come together in truth. If we will no longer hear (or read) we sever tile only way God uses to make his children one. (See John 6:44-45 Matt. 13:13-l6 Acts 17:11 Matt. 18:15-17 2 Thes. 3:15)

PLAIN TALK is not written nor mailed for spite. It is our honest effort to reach people with Bible studies --- a method we would not use if some other way could be found to do the job equally well.

We genuinely regret that you have closed this door of communication. We pray that you will recognize the error of your decision, and reopen this or other means, so that we may studatiogether and find God's way to peace in Him.
