Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 13, 1958


An Opportunity

Richard E. Donley, Box 316, Garnerville, N. Y.: "There is a good opportunity for gospel preaching in northern New York. A church of sixteen faithful members meets in the I.O.O.F. hall in Massenna. These brethren are trying to preach the word effectively in that area, but they need help. Brother John W. Buster has been preaching while he makes his living in construction work. He has been forced to give up his job because of his health. The church has saved up twenty five hundred dollars to be used in whatever way will do the most good toward establishing the church.

Massenna is a rapidly growing city in the midst of a thickly populated area. It is close to some Canadian cities where the gospel of Christ is almost wholly unknown. The closest church of Christ of which I have knowledge is a hundred miles away. If any church is interested in a good location to support some plain gospel preaching they will do well to investigate Massenna. I understand that Brother Buster is willing to remain in Massenna if he has support so that he can. He is a well experienced preacher who knows the word, and who believes that the knowledge of Christ is sufficient to guide us in every good work.

I shall be glad to furnish further information to any one who is interested."

Gordon J. Pennock, 3700 Forest Ave., Brookfield, Ill.: "Ten have been baptized, four restored and twenty-three placed membership with us, since I began my work with the Brookfield church, May, 1957. All phases of our work is on the increase, with records being set this past Sunday in both attendance and contribution. I am having the last few years of the Guardian bound in book form, but am in need of several issues for the years 1952 to 1955 (Volumes 4, 5, & 6). Should any of the readers have some of these copies, which they would be willing to part with, I would appreciate hearing from you."


Beginning February 11 and continuing for four nights a debate will be conducted in Claremore, Oklahoma, between W. Curtis Porter and Kermit M. Lynch. The discussion will deal with the question of teaching the Bible in classes, as practiced by many churches of Christ. Each man will affirm the position he holds for two nights. Lynch will affirm that the church "must remain in one assembly" for the teaching of the word of the Lord, "with men only doing the teaching." Porter will affirm that the church "may divide into classes" for such teaching, "with both men and women doing the teaching."

W. Curtis Porter, P. O. Box 195, Monette, Arkansas: "Within the recent past I have engaged in three debates. The first was with Marvin A. Hicks, United Pentecostal, at Lufkin, Texas. The second was with Bro. Roy Deaver at Dumas, Texas, and concerned the benevolent work of the church. And the third was with L. S. Ballard, Baptist, at Lufkin, Texas. All of these were interesting discussions, and I trust that good was accomplished for the cause of truth.

In the near future because my Polycythemia is somewhat out of control, it will be necessary for me to return to my doctors in California for further treatment. It would be of help to me in making that trip if arrangements could be made for a meeting or two in California. If any congregation in California should be interested in using me for a meeting in connection with such a trip, I shall be glad to hear about it."

Brother Lloyd Moyer of Richmond, California. suffered a severe heart attack early in December. For several days he was under an oxygen tent, and little hope was held for his life. The crisis is past, however, and at last report he was recovering satisfactorily. Those who wish to write him may address him at 5839 Fresno, Richmond, California. He will be unable to resume preaching for several months, and his hospitalization has been tremendously expensive — just in case you are interested.

M. C. Cuthbertson, P. O. Box 6391, Tucson, Arizona: "I did the preaching in a recent meeting with the Lauel Avenue church in McAllen, Texas. This is a new congregation, and they have a lovely new building. A great future is before this splendid group. I enjoyed my visit with them very much.

After some five years work here in Tucson, I will be available for work elsewhere, by June of 1958."

Doyle Banta, 1309 9th Avenue, S. E., Decatur, Alabama: "During 1957 we had 41 to place membership, 11 baptized and 21 restored at Somerville Road. O. C. Lambert, E. Winston Burton and Douglas Davis, Jr. all conducted good meetings for us. I conducted meetings at Cleveland, Miss., Greenbrier, Ala., Refuge near Obion, Tenn. and Fairfield, Ill. Five were baptized and 8 restored in these meetings. Plans are underway to erect a new auditorium here. My first meeting for this year is Fairfield, Ill. March 31-April 9.

W. Earl Mansur, 19551 Welby Way, Reseda, California: "Last Sunday we had by far the largest crowd in the history of the church; two were baptized, two identified and one restored. Increasing attendance, contributions, interest and harmonious work among the members under a wise and faithful leadership makes this church one of the very best. It is a pleasure to work here as local preacher. When in the San Fernando Valley we invite you to worship with us at 7054 Winnetka Ave. in Canoga Park."