Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 4, 1957

The Church Of Christ Needy Family Society

Olive Branch, Illinois.

PURPOSE: To provide for families whose homes are in danger of being broken up, due to poverty, sickness, burnouts or other factors beyond their control.

This organization shall consist of a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, with a board of directors of thirteen men.

All members of this organization must be members of the Church of Christ.

Said organization shall hire field representatives to seek out and find families whose homes are in danger of being broken up.

Said organization shall then render such aid as will enable the family to keep their homes intact.

Said organization shall not confine its work to Christian families only, but will provide for any family in destitute conditions, regardless of their religious belief. We realize that the Word of God teaches us to do good unto all men.

Said organization shall he supported by solicited contributions from all congregations in the world, for all will readily understand that such a work will require an enormous amount of money.

The board of directors shall be vested with all power of procedure in disbursement of food, clothing and other services to the needy families.

Some of the brethren contend that the orphan homes of today are a restoration of that which was lost. This organization can do better than that in same cases. It will keep many homes from being LOST.

Will someone please tell me if such an organization would be scriptural. If not, why not?

Marvin Purdy,