Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
March 11, 1954

Is It Really Your Choice? "The Church Of Your Choice"

Albert E. Holt, Blackwell, Oklahoma

The right to choose is one of our greatest heritages. Lives have been lost and nations have been drenched with blood in order to acquire that privilege. It is only when man can exercise his right to choose for himself that his God-like characteristics are developed to their fullest capacity. Many would rather die than give up their privilege of free choice. It was the great statesman, Patrick Henry, who said, "Give me liberty or give me death." By such men was our nation founded. So well did they do their work that we take for granted our privilege to choose for ourselves. Thus the expressions, "Church of your choice" is a common one, heard almost daily.

"The church of your choice" is a misleading expression, however. It is nothing more than a camouflage used by Satan to conceal the true state of affairs. Knowing man's love of freedom, he deceives many, by such a subtle approach, into thinking they are exercising their freedom to choose, when, in reality, he is foisting upon them what he would have them accept. It is a subtle approach, to be sure, yet an effective one.

How many are actually choosing the church of their own choice? Relatively few. For the most part, the denominations are filled with people who are members of that particular group because their parents were members. They were brought up in that denomination and have never changed. Their parents made the choice for them and they accepted it. It was not their choice, but the choice of their parents. There are thousands of people in the denominations who have never made a religious choice for themselves one way or another. They are merely following the decision made for them by their parents.

Don't be misled. Before you can exercise your liberty in choosing any church, there must first be an investigation made by you. Paul encouraged the Bereans to investigate what he taught before they decided to accept it. (Acts 17:11) Paul wanted them to choose, and to have their choice based upon facts. How many present-day preachers are inviting such an investigation to be made of their denomination before choosing it?

Your writer heartily endorses and recommends that you choose the church of your choice; but we must insist that it be your own choice, made only after a careful investigation of the facts. Don't let anyone deprive you of your privilege to choose for yourself. It was too dearly bought to give up lightly. Your final destination rests upon the decision you make. Search the scriptures, choose for yourself, and your choice will be the church that Christ built.