Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 27, 1953

Guardian Policy

L. E. Martin, Brenham, Texas

Someone has said, "One penalty for making true headway is that you simultaneously make enemies." Never was this truth more plainly emphasized than the matter of caustic criticism cast upon the editors of the GG because of their stand in defense of the simple New Testament plan by which the work of the church is to be done.

In this Christian warfare it is evident that Guardian policy has not been to please men, but rather to determine truth and adhere to it regardless of consequences. The GG is not a "popular" periodical, but according to the Apostle Paul that is quite all right: "If I yet pleased men I should not be the servant of Christ." "The offense of the Cross" is still a fact — even within the church membership. Giving opposition to popular digressive trends has never been "pleasing to men," and current controversies are no exception.

Of course one may not agree with everything printed in the GG, and one may not even like some of the men on the staff, but all who truly study the controversial issues and analyze the arguments presented will, in their logically-arrived-at conclusions, agree with the policy of the GG. All of us need to examine very thoroughly any program or promotion we intend to undertake. "Be sure you are right (according to the scriptures) and then go ahead" should be the rule to follow.

Writers in other publications of our brethren are urging people to an unprejudiced and unbiased study of these matters, and it is encouraging to note this. Many will be surprised at the truth learned when they thus begin to study these issues intelligently instead of dealing in personalities, vilification, etc.

May we hasten the day when all the brethren seek truth for truth's sake. Let us remember that it is a great deal more important to determine "what" is right rather than "who" is right in these controversies before the church.