Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
June 26, 1969

An Open Letter To "Selected", "Borrowed", And "Author Unknown"

Donald R. Givens

Dear bro. "Selected:"

I have always been impressed by the multitude of articles that flow from your pen. You seem to write in many bulletins and appear frequently with various good articles. Almost every bulletin I see has at least a few writings from your facile pen.

But I was wondering, bro. Selected; where are you from? What is your first name? Your identity seems very obscure, but my good brethren must think a lot of you to use your writings so profusely.

And now, regarding your first cousin, bro. Borrowed. I notice he too has many fine articles in some gospel publications. But some of my preaching and writing brethren have a bone to pick with you and your cousin: How come you sometimes take our articles and append your name to them? Is not this plagiarism? Now, we are happy to have you put to good use any scriptural article you may see fit, but brethren Selected and Borrowed; do you not think honesty requires that you give credit to the real writers rather than to yourself? And if you honestly do not know the author, then be as frank as your friend, bro. "Author Unknown," and say so.

Hoping that these admonitions will contribute to the building up of the body of Christ, I remain, Your friend and brother,

Donald R. Givens P.S. The above article was not "selected " nor was it "borrowed," and you can make your own determination about the author being unknown.

— 1309 Chase, Novato, Calif. 94947