Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 22, 1951

Mr. Sparks' Letter-Queries Answered

N. W. Allphin, Tahoka, Texas

Swain, Arkansas November 17, 1950 M. N. W. Allphin, Tahoka, Texas Dear M. Allphin:

I notice your article in the Gospel Guardian, and note what you have to say in regard to the Premillennial doctrine. I may not understand what you mean by Premillennialism; but I would like to ask you a few questions in regard to what you have to say in regard to the fulfilling of prophecy. I hope you will answer all my questions from the Word of God, the Bible, and in a Christian spirit.

(1) At Acts 2:16 Peter said: "It would come to pass in the last days." Just what last days did Peter have reference to?

(2) Were all the prophecies of the Hebrew scriptures fulfilled in the time of Christ's stay on earth, and during the life of the apostles?

(3) Have the following prophecies been fulfilled? If so, when? Isa. 11:6-9; 19:18-24; 35:8-10; 60:13; 65:17-25; Jer. 25:30-33; Ezek. 34;25-31; 39:8-16; Micah 4:1-7, and Mal. 4:1-3.

(4) Did any of the apostles preach, "The Kingdom of heaven is at hand" after Pentecost?

(5) Just what were the "keys" that were given to Peter?

(6) Were all the apostles and brethren in the everlasting kingdom?

(8) Just what would be the sign of Christ's coming or presence, and the end of the world?

(9) In Luke 21:24, Christ spoke of the "Gentiles times." When did that time begin, and when did it end?

(10) What was the "abomination of desolation" spoken of by Daniel?

(11) What was the "great tribulation" spoken of by Jesus, and when did it occur?

(12) When did they see the Son of man coming in great glory?

(13) When did he gather his elect from the four winds?

These are all very important questions, that any Bible student should be able to answer; and questions that people ask every day. I am a reader of "The Gospel Guardian," therefore you may, if you wish, answer through it.

Yours for a better understanding of the Bible, Chas. A. Sparks


Dear Mr. Sparks:

Your list of questions received. Thanks. This is quite a large order; but I shall be glad to answer the queries in the most scriptural way possible, and through the G.G. if the editor so wills. But all cannot be answered, even briefly, in one issue; so I will reply to about half now, and the remainder in a subsequent issue. Circumstances (not choice) will compel brevity. I trust these were propounded in sincerity, and my answers will be in the same "spirit."

(1) Last days of the dispensation in which Joel lived —the days of the law or of Judaism.

(2) No, for many of them, because they were fulfilled before the time of Christ's ministry; yes, for those pertaining to the promised Christ and kingdom, and the end of Judaism. Witness, Luke 16:16; Matt. 24:25-27, and 44; Acts 3:18; 13:27-29; then Luke 21:22, and note the word "fulfilled," and the word "all" used seven times.

(3) Yes—except as to "when." All ten passages will be dealt with in a future issue.

(4) No.

(5) Power and authority to open—disclose the terms of admittance.

(6) Yes—in the "first dominion" (Micah 4:8); Col. 1:13; Rev. 1:6. (Not in the eternal state, as implied in II Peter 1:11, and II Tim. 4:18).

(7) The whole world—i.e., the inhabited earth. See Col. 1:23.

(8) When they asked for the sign, Jesus gave them many signs of portents of the impending crisis, all of which are stated in the texts.

(9) As no Bible text that I know of defines the "times of the Gentiles," perhaps none can answer this with certainty. However, since the destruction of Jerusalem and the "desolation" of national Israel (Judaism) were "determined" by Jehovah, it is most likely that the "times" began about when Nero sent Vespasian into Galilee and Judea to quell insurrections and stop the revolt of the Jews. And, as the city was to be trodden down till those "times" were "fulfilled," a logical conclusion is that when the treading down ended, the "times" also ended.

(10) This also is a moot question—scholars are not in agreement on it; hence, in answering it, one must proceed with caution. Some think it was some sacrilegious act of the Jews in the temple; others believe it was the Gentile worship of the idolatrous ensigns or symbols of the Roman army, at the temple. I incline to the latter.

That is all for now—except that I would like to say that most of these questions and many others of similar nature are dealt with more elaborately in my commentary on The Revelation—more so than is possible in these short articles.