Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 23, 1950

Signs Of The Times

W. L. Wharton, Jr., Houston, Texas

The following is a clipping from the Houston Press of recent issue. It aptly points up a situation that is marking some of the Houston congregations as conspicuous as a "sore thumb." This is just another milestone on the road to digression and worldliness that we are constantly seeing in this area. The article will speak for itself. Let all who may read this, and not be familiar with Houston churches or the Central congregation in particular, know that it does not represent some unfair twist of circumstances as reported by a newspaper. Newspapers are good at getting their wires crossed and mixing up facts in connection with church activities but this report is correct and true. No retraction has been requested or made now in more than a month, so far as I can find out, so it must be the way they wish it. The article appeared on the front page of the paper and could not have escaped the notice of Central elders and preacher. There was a general lifting of eyebrows on the part of many known to me who are not even members of the church at such carrying-on by a congregation of the church of Christ.


Church Groups Aid Louie Welch Race

Council Candidate

The Kind We Need'

Can a young man of sound ideas on municipal government, independent, unassuming and yet without political experience conquer an entrenched political organization?

All over Houston today groups of churchmen and women were stating their conviction that this political miracle can come to pass by backing Louis Welch of Oak Forest for councilman-at-large.

Overnight, the Welch "third man" campaign for one of the three places for councilman-at-large has caught fire.

Tonight 50 women will meet in the fellowship hall of the Central Church of Christ to form a South End telephone committee for Mr. Welch. He'll be there.

"I called the meeting with Mrs. William Morris of the Riverside Church of Christ because we need men like Mr. Welch in public office," said Mrs. James Baldwin of 3314 Kelton.

She said she had turned down a paid job as a campaign worker from a City Council candidate in order to work free for Mr. Welch.

Mr. Welch is not a member of either Central or Riverside congregation but is a member of the church of Christ. The Christian church is putting on quite a campaign to put one of their members in the same office. Looks like Houston is in for a bit of political and religious campaigning with some of our brethren not at all unwilling to try to hitch the church of our Lord on to some political applecart and pull it through to victory!