Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
September 7, 1967

Answering Questions

Gene E. Watson

Question: What do you consider the best and most effective way to spread the Gospel in America today?

Answer: In the New Testament we find the method that was used by the apostles and early Christians. They taught the people concerning Jesus, baptized those who believed on him and taught them to observe all things that Christ had commanded. Matt. 28:1920. The people thus taught soon were established in the Faith and were able to teach others. Acts 8:4; II Tim. 2:2. This is the best method in any age and in every country. In this manner the Gospel was carried to the whole world in about 30 years.

Let every congregation strong enough to do so, select able teachers of God's word and support them that they may be able to preach in places where there are no Christians. Several small congregations could select a teacher to do Radio work, preach in Gospel meetings, teach in private and work in other ways. A man who is able to do this type of work could be a great help to the congregations during the winter months and other times that are not suitable to work in places where there are no churches. They could be built up by training the men in the congregation to take part in the services. If the young people in every place were well grounded in the truth, they would be able to carry the Gospel to other places just as the Christians did in the first century. Hundreds of people move into new communities every year. Many times it is necessary for them to start a new congregation in order to have someone to worship with. They should be able to do this and not become discouraged themselves. The home should also have a part in the training of our young people. II Tim. 1:15; II Tim. 3:14-15.

During the early years of Christianity here in America, the cause of the Lord was strongest in the areas where faithful men followed the plan of the first century. Many of these men made great sacrifices in seeing that the various congregations around them were following the examples found in God's Word. Finally, let everyone of us take advantage of every opportunity to teach and encourage others to obey the will of God. Much has been said concerning an alleged preacher shortage. If every congregation would follow the Bible plan there would never be a shortage. I will have more to say about this in my next article. Look for it.