Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 24, 1967

"Going Along"

Robert H. Farish

Conscience can be deadened by "going along" with things which one's moral judgment does not approve. Some whose convictions are that church contributions to schools, hospitals, camps, etc., are wrong have indicated that if the elders of the congregation decided to put such things into the budget, they would go along with them. The delusion that a member of the congregation is not responsible for the way the elders spend the money of the church is currently popular. This delusion is a perversion of the Scriptures which require us to obey the elders. These expedients which some are adopting in efforts to avoid personal responsibility of faithfulness to the Lord contribute to the conscience searing process.

"Whether it is right in the sight of God to hearken unto" elders or any other man or group of men, when they are not abiding in the teaching of Christ, "judge ye". Peter gave the rule or guideline to be followed when such a situation confronts us - "we must obey God rather than man." (Acts 5:29).