Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 3, 1967

Temptations Captivate The Lukewarm

W. Author Moody

How do lukewarm churches measure up when judged by their response to temptations such as Christ our Lord endured?

They advertise their suppers and fellowship dinners as if man really did live by bread alone. Often they preach everything except the word that proceeded forth from the mouth of God. Money - grubbing churches seldom have faith strong enough to convince anyone "That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God!" Luke 4:4, Matthew 4:4.

On every hand the backsliding churches are "casting themselves down" and tempting or making trial of God. They will assume responsibility of a radio or television program they are unable to finance out of what the Lord has prospered them. They will build and maintain human institutions for education and care of sinners, dependent children and old folks without first counting the cost as regards either their faith or their pocketbook. They abandon respect for God's authority. They depend upon their professional beggars to drum up money from others for the support of their projects which they foolishly suppose to be the work of the church. They claim to operate "by faith" but practice "trying the Lord" and getting the rest any way they can. They, indeed, cast themselves down and expect the Lord, His angels (their brethren, the County, the State and the Federal Governments) to bear them up! Matthew 4:5-7.

And if they were offered the kingdoms of the world, they would shout, "This is the greatest opportunity ever afforded the churches! Now, we can take (instead of teach) the world for Christ in our generation!" These blind and naked churches are unable to read with understanding that "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve." Matthew 4:8-10. They are very busy showing what they have done and what great wealth they have accumulated by their own power. They are too busy worshiping and serving themselves, honoring their own parties and institutional obligations to even care about how God wants them to worship and serve Him! Luke 4:1-13.

The grace of the Lord will be sufficient and even abundant for all faithful churches who live by His word, who devise no burdens for Him (or other churches) to bear, and who worship and serve only the God of heaven and earth.