Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 16, 1967
NUMBER 40, PAGE 5b-6a

"Building On The Rock"

Harry W. Pickup, Jr.

The quest of man has always been to find a star by which to chart his course, to find a solid foundation upon which to safely establish his soul. The world is filled with weary seekers who are spending their lives in futile searching apparently not realizing the solid foundation is "not far from each one of us. (Acts 17:27)

Factors Of Futility

1. Ignorance contributes greatly to this futile search. Ignorance contributed to the crucifixion of Christ. "For had they known it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory." (I Cor. 2:8.) Ignorance led many people to rebel against the "righteousness of God" and to substitute their own plan for God's. (Rom. 10:3)

This ignorance was not due to the insufficiency of information but to prejudice, pride and passion. Prejudice closed the eyes of understanding; pride kept them closed; and passion caused ignorant men to strike out blindly.

Prejudice, pride and passion exist today among God's people. Some mistakenly equate the questioning of a "church of Christ tradition" with the questioning of Scripture. Many, having little personal knowledge of the Truth, steadfastly refuse to "think," all the while striking out blindly against humble Christians who do nothing more daresome than to ask for Scripture which authorizes questionable practices.

2. Living for lust contributes to futility in finding a solid foundation. Those who "walk after the flesh" are concerned only with their own desires. They "mind the things of the flesh." (Rom. 8:4)

3. Building upon men - even the best of men - is an unsuitable foundation. Professional preachers are false and blind guides. (Matt. 7:15; 15:14.) They may be identified as man who are insulted by a request for Bible authority for their teaching. Their defense is the carnal insult. Kindness of heart and meekness of mind are merely garments to be used at their own convenience. Their greatest desire is to avoid what they call "trouble" as opposed to an insatiable thirst for God's truth.

Even "good" men may ignore God's teaching and "think" within themselves (Acts 26:9) to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth." It is never safe to build upon any man.

Christ The Rock

Jesus Christ is the rock upon which men may securely build their lives. Jesus declared: "Every one therefore that heareth these words of mine, and doeth them shall be likened unto a wise man, who built his house upon the rock." (Matt. 7:24) Paul reminded the Corinthian Christians that Christ is the only foundation for the soul. (I Cor.3:10,11). While error may overthrow the faith of the individual man it does not one whit affect the foundation of God. "Howbeit the firm foundation of God standeth." (I Tim. 1:19.) Christ the rock was not "selected" by men but "elected" by God. Those who build on him will never have reason for disappointment. (I Peter 2:6)

One builds upon Christ the rock by "hearing" and "doing" his words. There is no way to build upon Christ without obeying his teaching. Any doctrine or practice which is not directly traceable to the doctrine of Christ is founded upon sand, not rock.

What Is It To Build Upon A Person?

(1.) What that person is one seeks to become. (2) What that person stands for one seeks to be identified with. (3.) What that person says one confesses. Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. (John 1:14) People who build upon Him become the "sons of God." (Ga1.3:26.) Christ is the saviour. (Titus 1:4.) Those who build upon him are the saved ones. (Eph. 5:23.) The truth came through Christ. (John 1:17.) Those who build upon him "consent" - "come to agreement with" - the truth. (I Tim. 6:3. )

Blessings Of Building Upon The Rock

Building upon the rock suggests three things: certainty, security and safety. As long as we remain established on Christ we enjoy the certainty of Truth. (I Peter 2:4-8. )1f we always build upon Christ we are secure from Satan, sin and all attendant fears. (Hebrews 2:14,15.) On Christ we are sheltered safely from the rain, floods and winds of life. "...And it fell not; for it was founded upon the rock." (Matt. 7: 25.)

Fellow-Christian, do not take for granted your life is founded on the rock. Make sure that you are "hearing" and "doing" the words of Christ.

-1517 E. Cherokee Street Springfield, Missouri