Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 23, 1964

Race And Enough

Wm. E. Wallace, 1006 S. Belmont Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.

No, this is not about the racial issue, but it sure enough deals with colored folks — negroes of Nigeria.

Some sound brethren have started some sound churches over there in that African nation — and some preachers are over there right now, and their hands are full! James W. Sasser plans to go to Nigeria this summer to relieve a man and to begin a two-year work. Jim Sasser is mature enough to do a good work, experienced enough to deal with the hardships, and sound enough to teach Nigerians how to withstand modern error with truth.

Brother Sasser needs some help. He has about enough transportation funds for the trip across and the return. But he hasn't enough to live on while there!

At this writing he has only $175.00 promised in monthly support — not enough to live on — got to have $325.00 more! Many churches have responded to help on the travel fund. Good! But now brother Sasser must obtain pledges for his monthly support. The church where I labor is helping some — how about the church where you labor or attend?

Brethren, let's help this Nigerian "restoration movement." What a shame it will be if summer arrives and James W. Sasser can't go because he hasn't the monthly support necessary. Hope you will help. Contact brother Sasser at 103 Margaret Street, Joliet, Illinois, telephone 815-725-1670.