Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 24, 1963
NUMBER 25, PAGE 3,11a

"Lutherans Believe.... In Infant Baptism

Carl Vernon


1. From an article in the Southside Reporter, San Antonio, Texas, April, 1961. The brief article consisting of seven short paragraphs.

2. Our purpose: To review each paragraph in the interest of finding the truth!


1. "And Lutherans believe it should be practiced because it reveals and emphasizes the grace of God." (Paragraph 1)

a. Reveal: "to make known; to disclose."

b. Emphasize: "stress; to declare forcibly."

c. Grace: "the divine favor of God."

d. Titus 2:11 says: "The grace of God that bringeth salvation ...

e. John 1:17: " ... grace and truth came (was revealed) by Jesus Christ."

(1) How have this grace? Answer: Obey Christ!

(2) Is infant capable of obeying Christ?

(3) How does infant baptism reveal the Grace of God?

f. Matters of salvation are revealed in the Word.

(1) Titus 2:11: " ... teaching us .

(2) Where is infant baptism taught?

g. To assert does not mean that it is so!

2. "When a child is baptized in infancy, it comes at a time when the child isn't even aware of the act, at a time when the child can't appreciate the act, at a time when the child can't even say thank you." (Paragraph 2).

a. When a child is baptized!

(1) It is without either command, example or necessary inference.

(2) Same can be said of sprinkling.

b. Note the condition of the child's mind at the time:

(1) " . . . isn't aware of the act."

(2) " . .. can't appreciate the act."

(3) " . . . can't even say thank you."

. . . Simply not a believer!

. See Mark 16:16.

. . . Newspaper said: "Kennedy's baby (son) snoozed through baptism."

. . . But what about an adult — could he snooze while being baptized?

3. "So, God comes to the child, at this point, and makes that child His child, giving to that child the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ." (Paragraph 3).

a. This paragraph summarized: In baptism,

(1) God comes to the child.

(2) Makes that child His child.

(3) Gives the child the promise of eternal life through Christ.

b. Conclusions reached: Before baptism,

(1) God not with the child — Matt. 18:3.

(2) The child not God's — Matt. 19:14.

(3) Infant has no promise — Ezek. 18:20.

(4) If God does not come, "at this point," the child is doomed!


4. "Later in life the child becomes aware of faith in Jesus Christ. As he looks back, he realizes that something or someone led him to this act of faith." (Paragraph 4).

a. This paragraph restated:

(1) Years after infancy, belief in Jesus Christ comes.

(2) It is then that he realizes that infant baptism has had a part in bringing him to this ability to believe.

b. Conclusions reached:

(1) The admission that faith is not associated with the infant — true!

(2) The admission to the belief that salvation is by baptism, with faith to follow!

... The New Testament teaches the reverse order of this FAITH to precede BAPTISM! (Mark 16:16).

5. "Finally, he comes to the conclusion that it all began back there in baptism when God came to him, asking for nothing." (Paragraph 5).

a. Paragraph 4 states that "someone led him to this act of faith."

b. Paragraph 5 states that "God came to him, asking for nothing."

c. "That it all began back there in baptism..."

(1) Where does God teach ANYTHING begins with infant baptism?

6. "Thus, God comes before it's convenient for the receiver to do anything in return — and that's indicative of the person of God, who is always doing that sort of thing." (Paragraph 6).

a. Is it true that "God comes before it's convenient for the receiver to do anything in return"???

(I) The Eunuch "rejoiced" — Acts 8.

(2) Apostles to "teach", "baptize", and then teach the ones baptized "to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." (Matt. 28:19, 20).

(3) Converts in Acts 2 began immediately to worship: "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers." (Acts 2:42) ....Could an infant do this?

7. "Lutherans believe that God approaches man before man can ever approach God. Infant baptism is but one significant expression of this wooing of God." (Paragraph 7).

a. If "God approaches man before man can ever approach God" — then,

(1) God is reconciled to man —

...But see 2 Cor. 5:20: "...we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God."

(2) Why did Christ implore, "COME unto me all ye that labor...."? (Matt. 11:2,8).

(3) Why preach the gospel? (Rom. 1:16).

(4) What happens if the infant is not subjected to baptism (?) ? Will God still APPROACH him?

b. This "going" is predicated upon the faith of parents, guardians, etc., and not upon the faith of the candidate. But notice these passages: John 6:44, 45; John 8:24; Heb. 11:6; Acts 8:36-38,


1. You will notice that not one passage of scripture is so much as hinted at for justification of the practice.

2. Scripture can be cited for anything that is scriptural!

3. Just another teaching from false prophets (1 John 4:1).

4. Beware! (2 John 9-11).

— 219 Jennings, San Antonio, Texas