Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 10, 1963

"The Real Estate Phase"

A. C. Grider

The church here where I preach recently received a three page letter from the elders of the church in Manhattan, New York. The letter also contained a brochure picturing the giant apartment building the churches of Christ are building in Manhattan. Apparently, the building is going to be as expensive and as pretty as anything any of the denominations have ever erected. Thus, as the world will view it, the church of the Lord is not a whit behind the denominations. But, as I read the letter and looked over the brochure, several questions came to mind.

The Manhattan elders said as soon as the apartments are sold "the church will be out of the real estate phase of the operation completely." Now, this poses several questions. Why should the church want out of the real estate phase? Is it WRONG for the church to be in the real estate business? Was it wrong for them to get into the real estate business in the first place? Why are the Manhattan elders so anxious to assure the brotherhood that they are getting out of the real estate business? Is it scriptural for churches of Christ to pool their resources to build and sell apartments?

The elders reminded us that the campaign to raise the "Million for Manhattan" started in 1956. I knew that. I remember well when it started. But there is one thing I don't remember. I don't remember exactly when the brotherhood was first informed that the brethren in Manhattan planned to build and sell apartments with money sent to them. I well remember the appeals for a church house in Manhattan. And I remember that nothing was said for a long time about building a sky scraper apartment building. I think the brethren were kindly deceived in this matter. I refuse to believe that there are over eleven hundred congregations in the brotherhood that would be willing to pool their resources to build and sell apartments. I would just like to know exactly how much money the Manhattan brethren received before they told the contributors what they intended to do with the money.

Too, if it is scriptural for the Manhattan church to build and sell apartments so as to erect themselves a place for worship would it not also be scriptural for all congregations to thus build and sell apartments? It seems the Manhattan elders "justify" their actions on the ground that "this is by far the most economical way to obtain needed facilities for the congregation." But, would such not be the most economical way for any congregation to obtain needed facilities? If the matter of economics makes it scriptural for Manhattan to thus build and sell apartments, would not the matter of economics make it scriptural for all other congregations to do likewise?

But, aside from the churches being engaged in the real estate business, there are several other questions I just don't understand. For instance, the Manhattan elders tell us that the plan to erect this sky scraper building is the "only plan known" to them to evangelize Manhattan. Are we to conclude that evangelizing depends MORE on material buildings than on dedicated Christians and the WORD OF GOD? Could Paul have been "successful" in his "evangelizing" if he had had a million dollar "Combination church and apartment" house as a "base" of operations?

The Manhattan elders said it was to the best interest of Churches of Christ everywhere to erect this building. They also said it was the "obligation" of every congregation in the nation to help build it. Somebody tell me, how would the interests of a small Southern Mississippi congregation be served by this million dollar building? And just exactly how much obligation to build a million dollar apartment house in New York attaches to such a congregation?

But one thing stands out, brethren. Our Manhattan brethren are in a kind of "Church of Christ Purgatory!" They are in the real estate business. They have tricked hundreds of congregations into the real estate business. They know it is sinful to have the church thus engaged. They want out!! But they can't get out until they sell the apartments! But they can't sell the apartments until they get them built! But they can't build them until they get the money! But they can't get the money until they beg it from other congregations!

The Manhattan brethren are in a hard spot. It is out in the open now that they want this money to build a big apartment building as well as a church building. The brotherhood knows it. But that puts the brotherhood on the spot. Shall we send the money to build the apartment house, which obviously is sinful? This would permit the Manhattan brethren to sell the building and thus get out of the real estate business and clear up their sin in going into it in the first place. Or should we withhold the money and thus stay out of sin ourselves and let the Manhattan brethren lose what they have invested and get out of sin through repentance, confession, and prayer to God? Then let as many as can take their BIBLES and evangelize New York and convert the people and then the Christians there can provide a place to meet.

— 2914 7th Street, Meridian, Mississippi