Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 22, 1960

It Isn't In The Book

Roy S. Fudge, Belle Glade, Florida

I have just read an article by the above title in which the author mentions a number of things practiced in religion, but without any Bible authority. Those included were sprinkling for baptism, infant baptism, instrumental music in worship, the papacy, and "once in grace always in grace." In conclusion 2 John 9 and 1 Peter 4:11 were given to show we are to abide in the word of Christ or be found without God.

Now, I would like to carry this same thought a little further. Let me suggest that in the Bible there is no church spoken of that asked for or received funds from other churches to do a work somewhere else. That is, a work greater than and beyond their own congregation. There was no central power vested in any church or group of churches to do the work of many. We do have that practice in the sponsoring churches today. But, it isn't in the Book.

Again, we do not find one eldership overseeing the work of a number of different churches, as is done by the "Herald of Truth." That arrangement is not found in the Book.

There are churches today owning, operating, or contributing to, orphan homes. In the Bible, Christians are told to care for, or "visit the fatherless and widows in their afflictions." (Jas. 1:27) Individuals have homes in which to care for them. Nowhere in the Bible do we find churches building, operating, or contributing to, any such "homes" as we have today. In fact, it isn't in the Book where churches were ever given the obligation to care for orphans or the needy of the world, but only some of the widows (1 Tim. 5:16) and needy saints. (1 Cor. 16:1-3)

It isn't in the Book for churches to bring up our children "in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord." (Eph. 6:4) This again, is the responsibility of the individual parent. Yet, there is a movement to have the churches send money to schools for this purpose.

There is a movement underway to get churches to build and maintain hospitals. Again, this falls under individual enterprise. Jesus speaking of the good Samaritan said, "go and do THOU likewise." (Lk. 10:37) Let us be careful lest we be found without God. (2 John 9)

It seems to me that we are trying to shift our responsibility on to the church by paying it to do the work for us. How many times of late has there appeared in the papers ads seeking various amounts of money to be sent to different institutions to preach the gospel or to do benevolent work. Always the appeal as to how much you can and will be doing in the work of the Lord is made. I am sure this is very soothing to the conscience of those who want to be slothful. (Rom. 12:11)

Let us speak where the Lord has spoken. (1 Peter 4:11) Let us work the work of him that sent us while it is day. (John 9:4) In this we can be stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. (1 Cor. 15:58)