Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
September 8, 1960

New Congregation In Edgemont, California:

For a long time some of the brethren in Edgemont, California; have seen and felt the need of a congregation in Edgemont. Edgemont is a town of about three or four thousand, and located near the March Air Force Base. The base also has a housing community of about one thousand adjacent to Edgemont called Arnold Heights. Possibly, two or three thousand of these people know little or nothing about the church of our Lord.

After much discussion, meditation, and prayer the decision was reached to start. And while in the process of discussing time, place, and means; (Here is where I believe the Divine providence of God went to work.) a church building in a beautiful location was offered for sale. The brethren immediately went to work: rented the building for a year with the option to buy at the end of a year; and if the option was exercised the rent would revert back on payment of the house. And as my time had expired with the church in Sunnymead the 15th of May they employed me to work with them. We met for the first time last Lord's Day — June 26th. One young lady was baptized into Christ, and in every way it was a wonderful day. If you have friends or relatives stationed at March Air Force Base please contact us giving their address. We are more than anxious to visit with them, and encourage them in any way possible. Address all mail to — Doyle Williams, 2463 Fir St. Sunnymead, Calif.; until an address can be established for the church. Please include the work in Edgemont in your prayers.