Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 18, 1960

College And Church Contributions

Pryde E. Hinton, Dora, Alabama

I have received a letter from Brother Rex Turner, president of Alabama Christian College, and a card from Dean Brannan, urging the elders to set aside July 17-24 as "Elders Christian Education Emphasis Week." (This is addressed to elders in Alabama and the surrounding areas.)

Brother Turner is careful to say, "This is not an effort to get you to put Alabama Christian College in the church budget; nor am I soliciting money from the church treasury."

The president and Board of Alabama Christian College decided unanimously on August 26, 1946, that the school would accept "unsolicited donations from congregation."

It would not solicit such donations. Why not, if churches "as such" can scripturally do anything Christian individuals can do — And, if churches can do anything that individuals can do "in the work of Christ", why does President Turner, among other proposals, suggest the following:

"Probably the best way will be to ask all who will to remain at the conclusion of the worship hour. The appeal could then be made and materials, passed out. After allowing time for filling out pledge cards, collect the cards and donations."

Who is to do this? Why, the elders! And they are to do it on both Sundays of the "Elder Christian Education Emphasis Week." Is President Turner trying to get his toe in the door? When does a college usurp, or encroach upon the freedom or autonomy of a congregation?