Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 7, 1960

Holt-Wallace Debate - III.


In two previous articles we have given our impressions of the Holt-Wallace debate, held in Florence, Alabama, last December, as to the arguments offered on the orphan home issue. In this article we wish to make some comments on the argumentation advanced on the other proposition, the one dealing with such cooperative combines as the "Herald of Truth". The proposition read:

"Such an arrangement and co-operative effort on the part of churches of Christ for the preaching of the gospel as "The Herald of Truth" is without scriptural authority".

In affirming this proposition Holt stressed the fact that "Herald of Truth" is exactly what the proposition says — "an arrangement of churches." He showed from many passages the independency, equality, and absolute sufficiency of the New Testament congregations. Each congregation, under God, is completely adequate for everything God asks or requires of it. Yet the "Herald of Truth" association of churches is so set up as to make both the contributing churches and the receiving church DEPENDENT on each other for the accomplishment of the work. Highland Church is impotent and helpless so far as a national program is concerned without the contributions of other churches. All she could do would be to use her own local resources in putting on her own program. Without the funds from other churches she is IN-sufficient.

In like manner the contributing churches, under this arrangement, are impotent and helpless to carry on the "Herald of Truth". Every contributing church in the association can contribute every cent of her money into the central office — and yet without the action of the Highland elders not one word of gospel would be broadcast in spite of all the money contributed! The contributing churches can NOT preach the gospel over the "Herald of Truth" program without an utterly dependent status as respects Highland Church.

This was in the minds of many to whom we talked a most telling point. Many were able to see clearly for the first time that "Herald of Truth" is indeed far more than the "simple radio program of a single congregation", which has been claimed for it. It is a complicated network of associated churches, elderships, preachers, and promoters. The elders of Highland Church have the oversight and expending of the common treasury of some thousands of congregations.

In response to this contention, Brother Wallace sought to show the inconsistency of East Florence church. He tried to convince the audience that East Florence was doing the very thing herself which Holt condemned Highland Church for doing. He likened "The Contender" Holt's little monthly publication to "Herald of Truth", and insisted that just as East Florence church received money from individuals in different places to finance "The Contender", so Highland Church receives money from congregations throughout the nation to finance her program, Herald of Truth. The "Contender" was imported into Florence when Holt moved to that city from Franklin, Tennessee, and "Herald of Truth" was imported into Abilene when Willeford and Nichols moved there from elsewhere.

Holt responded by a careful analysis of the difference between individual action and congregational action. He showed that individuals are free to act in many ways in their service of God; but that God has specified congregational relationships — and NO "arrangement of churches" can be found in all the Bible for gospel preaching! The vital question involved is that of arrangement, combination, association. Wallace admits that the Herald of Truth cooperative IS an "arrangement of churches" — but insists that such is authorized. Holt wants the passage, or passages, that authorize such!

Some four months have now passed since the debate was held. Work is well advanced toward publication of the discussion. The Gospel Advocate Company is publishing the book, and will no doubt have it ready for distribution within a few weeks. (Price of the book has not yet been announced, but you may order either through the Gospel Guardian, or through Brother Holt.) Having heard the debate as it was given in oral form, we have an idea that the printed record of it will probably be even more productive of good than the spoken word. For it will give the reader ample time to study, analyze, check Bible references, and thoroughly understand exactly what each disputant is seeking to establish.

Repercussions to the discussion in the immediate Florence area have been truly encouraging to those who shared Brother Holt's convictions as to the all-sufficiency of the church. Much of the prejudice and ill will which had been stirred up against him was dissipated by brethren's being able to see and hear at first hand what he taught as to the care of orphan children and the cooperative work of congregations in gospel preaching. There will most certainly be a much greater willingness to listen to the regular East Florence broadcasts, and less prejudice and against brethren who have opposed the institutional homes and evangelistic cooperative associations. If no other good at all was accomplished, the easing of tensions, and the lessening of prejudice made the discussion well worth the effort. Such discussions in every area of the nation would, we believe, go a long way toward removing prejudices, easing tensions, and getting brethren to understand exactly what the issues are.
