Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
May 15, 1958

"Strange Things Indeed"

Arnold Hardin, Lancaster, Texas

"You hear strange things about Catholics" has been a springboard for Catholic writers as they launch out into more deceptions. Strange things, maybe, but very true. But, all the strange things about which one might learn, are not confined to the church of the apostasy. In this article we would like to mention at least two things that may be said about many in the church of our Lord which things are indeed strange.

It is exceedingly strange to many how a movement within the church that denies the all-sufficiency of the church could have gained such popularity as been seen to happen in our day. That "component part" stuff was a strange sounding and looking thing, but, it could never approach in strangeness this idea that the church of the Lord can't do what the Lord commanded it to do. Truly this movement is the "stuff" out of which the church could easily be destroyed. We have listened while brethren have debated these questions and have been amazed to hear some contend that the church can't, under the oversight of its elders, take care of the orphans; yet, all the while claiming very passionately that they believed in the all-sufficiency of the church.

We are referring, of course, to the "recent discovery" that the church is not its own benevolent society while it is its own preaching society, The idea being that the church must build and support secular institutions and through these care for the unfortunate. A strange and hollow sound indeed while claiming to believe in the all-sufficiency of the Lord's church. It has been maintained that even those Homes that are under local Elders cannot be right unless those men be considered as Board Directors, not as Elders. It is not the purpose of this article to point out the unscriptural and untenable position of this theory. Others have done that so well. But, only to point out the strangeness of such ideas among God's people. If God were guilty of all that people accuse Him, what a sad shape He would be in. A preacher claims God calls him into a community to work. What happens? The people don't like him or he doesn't like them so he soon leaves. Of course, God apparently didn't know such would be the case with that denominational preacher or church when he called the man. Such we have exposed for what it is. Now brethren are saying that God gave the church a work it can not do within the church, but, that it must do that work outside the church. Brethren we'd better leave the foolishness to others.

However, as strange as the first thing discussed may be, there remains another that has all the earmarks of being even more strange. This one is rapidly making the church look foolish in many places. Have we not always maintained that obedience to truth, being born into God's family, the church, is the only way of ever seeing God in peace? Have we not always preached that error is not as good as truth and that to fellowship the "unfruitful works of darkness" is to bring condemnation upon us? Have we not taught that denominational error and affiliation with such will condemn? Certainly faithful brethren have so taught.

Yet, a strange thing has happened all over this land. A false and pagan religion is not only being tolerated but fellowshipped as its adherents are found in the church in large and growing numbers. We speak of Masonry and kindred religions. Churches have become infested with such things and not a word dare be spoken against it. Elders (?) are found to be Masons and parade their badges of idolatry. Preachers are sometimes Masons. Members by the hundreds are Masons; many times defying anyone to say aught about it.

Masonry is a religion and only the most ignorant will put forth a denial. Yet, there are many churches today that will not allow an expos of Masonry to be made. It is an insidious evil that has found a haven of all places right smack dab in the middle of the Lord's church. During a discussion one night an elder maintained that being a Mason was like belonging to the P.T.A. Imagine such a one being able "to convict the gainsayer." Another man, a preacher, said that Masonry was no worse than smoking. Such ignorance! I don't endorse smoking but this we know — Masonry being a pagan religion that denies the way of life in Christ cannot be paralleled with the cigarette habit. It is not the purpose of this article to discuss the religious side of Masonry; however, if you should read this and do not believe that it is a religion then all you have to do is obtain material from any number of sources that will readily change your mind.

Not all strange things are outside the church. May we pose a question? We invite some one to answer it. Why would we refuse fellowship to a brother or sister that joined some denominational church, yet, extend free and full fellowship to those that join Lodges? Would we appoint a man to serve as elder knowing that he also belonged to the Baptist Church? We would like for some one to tell us how we can refuse fellowship to one who might join the Baptists and extend fellowship to those that join the Masons? Will some preacher tell us in the light of truth just how this can be done and why it is being done? If you deny Masonry to be a religion we will prove it to you and then ask again how we can fellowship one and not the other. We are more and more beginning to look ridiculous in the eyes of the denominational world. We will not give welcome to those systems of men moved by some kind of faith in Christ but freely welcome a pagan religion built around a fictitious character that never existed. Why are "we" doing it? We will welcome an answer for to us, it is strange, strange indeed.