Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 27, 1949


COMMENTARIES FOR PRIZES CLOSES DECEMBER 15 ACT PROMPTLY Any person who reads this announcement can enter the Pre-Christmas campaign for new subscriptions to the Gospel Guardian, at $2.00 per year, published every Thursday. All you will have to do is to write with your first group of subscriptions sent in, "For the campaign." And if you should forget to do this, do not get discouraged and quit, for we will have the records, beginning with the mail arriving Monday, October 24th.

The person sending in the largest number by December 15, including all letters postmarked that day, will receive a complete set of Barnes Notes, in eleven volumes, covering the New Testament. The one sending the second largest number, will receive a complete set of Adam Clarke's on the whole Bible, in six volumes. For the third largest number sent, the reward will be the new commentary on the New Testament Epistles, complete in one volume, which is just off the press.

You can send any number of subscriptions at a time that you choose. If you receive no award, you will have done a splendid work, of which you will be proud. When you sell a neighbor a subscription to the Gospel Guardian, you will have done him a greater favor than yourself. The greater number of readers the Guardian has, the greater service it can render, and the larger the paper that all will receive. The rule is that the larger number of the members of a congregation that read one or more sound gospel papers, the better the church will be. For that reason some congregations have seen to it every member receives one of our faithful papers each week.

A good gospel paper sent to the son or daughter who is living away from home often proves very helpful in keeping them interested in the work.

What is more appropriate as a Christmas present than a year's subscription to the Gospel Guardian. The benefits of such an inexpensive gift will be realized from Christmas to Christmas. If those sending in subscriptions will mark those intended as Christmas gifts, we will time the subscriptions to reach them about Christmas week, and send them a card from the sending party. Do not overlook giving the name of the one sending it, or "From your mother," etc.


W. E. Fortney, 162 Harrison St., Clarksburg, W. Va., October 8: "The meeting at Middle Fork, near Porter's Falls, W. Va., resulted in six baptisms, and one restoration."


Wallace to Be Here Soon Word reached Lufkin this week that Cled E. Wallace, of Weatherford, Texas, will be here about the first of November, to begin work with the church at Fourth and Groesbeck. Bill Thompson, Jr., assistant minister, has been preaching at all services since Roy Cogdill's time ended in August. Brother Wallace's coming will be about a month earlier than it was first hoped that he could be here.


Garnie Atkisson, Carlsbad, N. M., October 10: "I am closing my work with the Hillcrest congregation here in Carlsbad this week. Will work with the church at Lovington, N. M., beginning about October 23. My address will be Box 443, Lovington."


Oscar Smith, Jr. preached five nights, October 17 to 21, at Groveton, Texas. Oscar Smith, Sr., has been working with the Groveton congregation for the past several months.


Mrs. James Mc Nutt, Alamogordo, N. M.: "The special Bible school begins November 7, and continues for twenty days, in which a complete study will be made of Types of the Old Testament! All who desire to attend should write at once. No tuition is charged, and the lowest possible cost for room and board will be obtained. Tice Elkins will be the teacher. Address all inquiries to the church, Box 31, Alamogordo, N. M."


A. T. Harris, 6106 Bryan Parkway, Dallas, Texas, Oct. 4: "The work at Pearl and Bryan is running smooth. We are supporting four preachers full time, missions in South Africa, Germany, Boles Home, and Home for the aged, at Gunter, Texas. Elders trying hard to do their duty. Preacher knows his place and stays in it. All should use postal cards, and more reports may be used. Congratulations to Gospel Guardian and W. E. Brightwell"


J. T. Marlin, Dickson, Tenn: "Three were baptized here last week. Two more were baptized in one of our county meetings."


Thanks Again we say "thanks" to all the folks who keep writing in and encouraging us in this work. You will understand, of course, why we cannot answer all the letters that come. But we do appreciate them. And if you really do mean what your letters say, then the best way on earth to express your attitude is by helping us increase our circulation. We are particularly anxious to have the paper reach as many elders, deacons, and Bible school teachers as possible. How about seeing that the officers and teachers in your congregation get it?


Gospel Meetings October 3-16: Crawfordsville, Indiana; Gene Warman, preacher.

October 10-21: Franklin, Indiana; Earl West, preacher.

October 9-16: Lafayette, Indiana; Byron Fullerton, Norman, Oklahoma, preacher.

October 31-November 11: Lebanon, Indiana; Earl West, Indianapolis, preacher.

Paul Hall, Humbolt, closed at New ) Deal Tuesday night, with one baptized.

Charles Crouch, Nashville, Tenn, closed at Bush's Chapel Thursday night with twelve baptisms, and fifteen restored through Wednesday night.


J B. Gaither, Gallatin, Tenn.: "I begin a meeting at Palmer's Chapel, October 3. There will be night services only, except Sunday, October 9. There will be only one service that day at 2:30 in the afternoon. That will let me be at home for all services.