"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of truth." — (Psalm 60:4)
"Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them." — (Isaiah 13:2)
Devoted To The Defense Of The Church Against All Errors And Innovations
Vol.VI No.V Pg.6-7b
December 1943

Summation Of Observation

J. Emmett Wainwright

Brother Jimmie Lovell has been "talking it over" with the brethren for a number of years. His articles have appeared in publications back east, down south, and out west. Our brother admits that he often blunders, and insists from time to time that he "must be crazy." These are radical terms to be employed in a self-imposed indictment. Such suggestions are hardly in order; the discerning reader should be able to reach a conclusion by the internal evidences. It is commendable to admit error, but the best commentary is improvement.

Since ushering in the "talking" period our brother has not spared, with but few exceptions, the preachers, the elders, the congregations. The exceptions might have helped him had they co-mingled admonition with applause and sympathy. Genuine friends discourage the partisan spirit by pointing out defects along with good traits. The grateful strive to improve. Is it possible that our brother developed an obsession during the "silent" period when he might have been subjected to the excessive and elongated dissertations of preachers and elders? If he determined to "lay on" when opportune, the "tune of the harbor" is self-evident. In his articles, private correspondence, and personal observations, he has singled out unsightly blemishes which have been "screamlined" with such "slanguage" that the applause is confined to the bleacherite partisan. A multitude would rejoice to observe expressions and endeavors more in harmony with the spirit of Christianity.

Brother Rowe, with brotherly admonition, told Jimmie that he was "talking too much" (James 1:19) ; our brother thanked him and kept talking. Brother Nichol, with fatherly advice, pointed out to him that he was using "exactly" the word the Lord told him "not" to use. He was "thankful" but explained that the word "fool" was used with a different meaning. How were the readers able to determine the exact meaning? Brother Cled Wallace has used about every approach" in an effort to help the brother see himself in the light of reason and revelation. Brother Foy's strictures, in days gone by, were merely the sum total response to a broadside invitation. Are these men the enemies of our brother? If so, Christ and Paul were the enemies of Peter. They employed plain speech, while face-to-face, and Peter loved them dearly—not in word only, but in deed! (II Peter 3:15).

It is possible for good intentions to be misdirected and leave question marks in the minds of honest observers. Brother Akin asked Jimmie to leave his name out of a western publication; but the brother published the article. What was the motive behind such deportment? Did he intend to bestow a spiritual blessing upon Brother Akin? Or was he mindful of something else? Brother Scott submitted his convictions concerning support for those in c. o. camps to a southern publication; our brother reproduced the article with an appendage of his broader view and endeavor. Was he trying to compliment and honor Brother Scott? Or did he have some other in mind? Not many months since, some of the brethren purposed to send financial relief to those operating the c. o. camps. If it was a good work, and had the sum been sent through the elders of some congregation, the reactions would likely have all been favorable; but when an independent committee was created, and publicity given, a cross-section of criticism was felt throughout the brotherhood. Was this special action taken in order to bring more honor and glory to the Lord through his church? (Eph. 3:21). Or was it an effort to obtain something otherwise? Brotherly love is set forth to counter-act and prevent dissention over things indifferent within themselves (Romans 14). When we are willing to forego personal preferences, out of deference to other members, concerning things incidental, we shall encounter no difficulty concerning things wrought by faith! (Rom. 10:17)

Our brother should be the last man on earth to complain about being criticized. His criticisms of the Lord's people have been filled with invectives; and, they are the people who should have raised their voice in solemn protestation. Sober thinking preachers and elders have wondered about the outcome of a divided sentiment of applause and resentment. Some of them recall the zeal of others, deprived of the guiding light of a living faith, which lead into abandoned paths and resulted in an apostasy and a digression. May the Lord add his blessings to their spiritual counsel and prayerful hope. Worldly ambition to do big things in a big way as a display before the general public often lowers the human mind to the carnal level of despising the small things upon which Jehovah may place the greatest possible value (Zech. 4:10). Jimmie should have entered the laboratory of "spiritual chemistry" and supplied that indispensable trait of character building known as patience. Patience is that stable element "iron" which enables one to endure an assault without murmuring. This element of endurance will prevent the assumption of the role of a martyr when the voice of opposition is raised in reply to faulty verbal attacks. The steadfast are not only grateful by word, but in improved action.

Jimmie keeps insisting that we can "take the earth" for the Lord if we will let God use us. We have heard that the Jews interfered with the Lord's intention to establish a literal (material) kingdom in Jerusalem; now we are informed that the church is interfering with an earth-wide conquest! Is this simply another form of premillennialism? Christ commanded the disciples to preach the gospel and baptize believers. The new converts were to be taught their solemn sacred duties according to the commandments of Christ (Matt. 28:20). Christ did not convert all the world. Was he willing for God to use him? The inspired apostles did not convert all the world. Were they willing for God to use them? Did not the Lord, and the apostles take into consideration the status of human hearts? Some hard; others harder; and not a few the hardest. Perverted psychologists, in the name of religion, have taken advantage of thoughtless groups of individuals by portraying to them a great victory in wealth and health. They have tortured certain passages in order to build up a false expectancy; and multitudes have suffered a disappointment that lead to spiritual wreck and ruin. Others are on their way. Why should members of the church of our Lord resort to false stimulants, for momentary results, which gnaw at the very vitals of genuine love and saving faith?

Was not the church of the Lord well known in Jerusalem some eighteen hundred years ago? Did not the word of the Lord spread unto "all they which dwelt in Asia"? (Acts 19:10). Was not the gospel preached in "every nation under heaven?" (Col. 1:23). Does Asia remember what they once heard? Has every nation maintained a knowledge of the gospel? Not many decades since mighty brethren met giant opponents somewhere in the "solid south" and whole counties learned of the church that Christ built according to the sacred pattern of the New Testament; but the shifting scenes of time, has left a vacancy—a lack of sacred information. Joy unspeakable filled our hearts when joint efforts were put forth in Reno, Nevada, and several cities in Utah. House to house workers; private and public teaching; distribution of literature and radio broadcasts. Were the cities "taken for Christ?" How many may be found therein who have never heard of the true church? Would similar endeavors in every city have similar results? Shall we be discouraged? God forbid! But beware of false expectations; they are too dangerous.

The Lord warned the apostles to expect various kinds of soil—human hearts. They encountered such individuals; and honest Christians have found them along the way every since.